Search results

  1. abbyluvswilliam

    August Rush, Who saw it? who loved it?

    Sooo I saw August Rush over Thanksgiving break! I seriously loved it! the acting, music and story was amazing!! Did anyone else like it this much? wow..I haven't been on here for a loooong time! sorry if there is already a thread for this! :)
  2. abbyluvswilliam

    SpOrTs ClUb......

    Who likes to play or watch sports??? Who wants to be a part of the club.....just post here what you wanna be. I am Queen of Baseball & the Red Sox and Mrs.Tumnus99 is Queen of NFL & Miami Dolphins SpiritedWolf-Queen of softball *IOWW the lasc- Co-Queen of Softball Narnia+north-Queen of...
  3. abbyluvswilliam

    Whats your connection???

    O.K so who on this forum do you actually know in real life? Mrs. Tumnus 99 is one of my best LowKingSkandar is my sister. but she doesn't come on any more!
  4. abbyluvswilliam

    10th graders unite!

    O.K so i am sooo sick of their being a thread for like every grade except for 10th :(! So Who else is in 10th grade???
  5. abbyluvswilliam

    The Best Banner Contest...

    Hello to all you ppl who are really good at making Banners, I cannot make banners because i don't have any good programs to make them. So I figured instead of bugging ppl to make them for me, i would have a contest. Whoever makes the best banner wins! Btw i will put the winning banner in my sig...
  6. abbyluvswilliam

    What would have happened if???....

    OK so i thought of a new game. i'll start.. for example: What would have happened if The one ring was never destroyed? so you would say something like: Faramir decided to be evil and murdered frodo for it then he was murdered by sam cuz he realized he wanted it. that was a bad example, but...
  7. abbyluvswilliam

    ? for smart ppl..... i am not that bright when it comes to graphics.....Beatrix_R made me an awesome banner, but its to big it has to be like 19 kb's i think? How do i resize it?
  8. abbyluvswilliam

    Rocky Balboa

    Is anyone gonna see Rocky Balboa???!!!??? I love the Rocky movies but i am not sure if i am gonna go see it. Has anyone seen it? Is any other girl as weird as me and actually likes the Rocky movies?
  9. abbyluvswilliam

    Flying Tomato Fans!!

    I was wondering who is a Fan of the Flying Tomato??? For those of you who are not informed: Shaun White is the New Olympic Champion of the U.S! He Rocks!! LOL! di anyone see him talking about how he want s to meet Sasha Cohen? I bet he has a Crush on her!!
  10. abbyluvswilliam

    I found this Interesting:

    OK so i was talking to my best friend mrstumnus99 about the part when Peter tells the younger Pevensies to go home cuz he does not want them to die in battle. She is the youngest in her family, I am not the oldest but i have 3 youger siblings. She thinks its stupid that Peter does that cuz she...
  11. abbyluvswilliam

    Little connections between the book and movie

    I am rereading the LWW. Here are some tiny little things from the book and the movie that are similar: LWWBook:"To her suprise it opened quite easily, and two moth balls dropped out." I don't know if anyone was paying attention, but when Lucy was opening the Wardrobe in the movie two moth balls...
  12. abbyluvswilliam

    Soundtrack nod for Globes!

    Is anyone else totally excited that Narnia is nominated for Best Original Score for the Golden Globes? I hope it wins sooo badd!
  13. abbyluvswilliam

    How many?

    How many posts does it take to become a senior Member? Because i have been posting for a bout a hour and am running out of threads to post on!