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  1. M

    Seven books = seven movies?

    Question: do you think that all seven books will be recorded into movies in next years...??? LWW went really well, I think (and hope) that PC will to, but shall we see the The Last battle in the movie as well..?? What is your opinion?
  2. M

    Is she, or is she not?

    I have read The silver chair, and theres a mention of that White witch jadis is actually green lady, so I'm wondering if she's really her or just her "relative" Coz, as I recall, in Prince Caspian, some creatures tried to call her from dead in Aslans how (I think), if any1 knows right...
  3. M

    When Lucy discovers...

    Hi guys, first of all I became a fan of narnia back in 1988 when BBC showd its production, and you can only imagen my excitment when I have heard about movie ... As a gift a receive all seven books in English (I am from Bosnia-Herzegovina) and I m just starting the seveth one.. One thing that...