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  1. pevensie_lover

    Any Sherlock Holmes fan out there???

    I Love Sherlock holmes, I almost read all Sherlock Holmes' books... He's really cool. He always solve an outstanding cases. My Favourite case is The dancing man, it's really cool. I also like The valley of fear. And what do you think? Do you like Sherlock? What's your Favourite case?
  2. pevensie_lover

    Nationality Song

    What's your nationality song's title? Our (Indonesia) nationality song title is "Indonesia Raya" And this is the Lyric: Indonesia, tanah airku... Tanah tumpah darahku... disanalah aku berdiri jadi pandu ibuku.. it's too long, so I just write the half of it now tell me yours...
  3. pevensie_lover

    Ashanti-colors of the wind(feat. shi shi)

    Do you know that song??? do you have it??? if you have it, can you attach it to my e-mail, please... I really want that song. please help me... :o
  4. pevensie_lover

    Johnny Depp as Drinian???

    I think Johnny Depp can act well as Drinian, his act was so great when he play as Jack sparrow in the pirates of carribean. Maybe he can do it as well in the chronicles of nania as Drinian... ;)
  5. pevensie_lover

    Don't be mean

    I hate anti-skandarnites or anti-willianites!!! why are you hate skandar or william??? I think that's so mean and unrespecful to each fans, I'm sorry but I hate it... :( If you ask me who hate people like that, I'm the one.
  6. pevensie_lover


    Hai!!! Pada kemana nih fans narnia yg ada di Indonesia??? masa cuma aku doang sih? Pada ikutan donk.... :(
  7. pevensie_lover

    Narnia Merchandise

    I hope I can get the figure. I wish there will be disney store in indonesia soon :)