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  1. tgraveline

    Old Admin's blog

    Hey all, it's been forever since I've come around. Life has changed a ton for me. I've been married, now have my first child, and I'm moving on in life in other areas like my career. I'm a credentialed teacher now, but I'm still very focused on my writing. I thought some of you might want...
  2. tgraveline

    A Song of Fire and Ice aka Game of Thrones.

    Ok, I have to say it has been a long time since I have found a great fantasy series to read that is more for older people, or people who have just gradually found more and more serious fantasy books. This series, and I must say I'm still on the first book, is awesome. I've enjoyed just about...
  3. tgraveline

    Halo 3 Beta

    Anyone else get to play this at all? I love it so far, has an odd learning curve, basically just having to learn the different phsyics and what weapons work best and all. tg
  4. tgraveline


    Hey, does anyone out there have access to the Joost beta? Its a new thing that has been created for online tv viewing across the world that is free, but beta is friend invite only like gmail used to be, or is it still? Anyways, I'm curious if any of you have it, because I would shamelessly ask...
  5. tgraveline

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Movie 2007

    I just watched the teaser for this, and I must say that it has the old style with with a new look. I'm a fan from way back in the day of playing with my Leonardo action figures and what not. I'm just curious though if anyone else thinks this will be just a kids movie or something that adults...
  6. tgraveline

    Italian speakers?

    Hey, I need some Italian speaking people to help me out with some lines for my book. Was just curious if anyone spoke a little or if some of our Italian members would like to grace me with their knowledge. tg
  7. tgraveline

    Youthgroup newsletter

    Hey all, Well a friend of mine that i work with in the high school group at my church wants to start up a newsletter that we will write called the Underground, as our youthgroup name is revolution. Well He wants to do lots of editorials and stuff. Even blips from books like wild at heart...
  8. tgraveline

    Desperately need help!

    So you want the british BBC voiceovers on DVD? tg
  9. tgraveline

    Book of Tips

    Well i thought i would create this thread because i have been reading a lot of interviews and thoughts written in magazines and on the internet from famous authors. I came to the conclusion that if you hear something that sticks out to you as a good tip for your own writing that may help others...
  10. tgraveline

    Those 80s movies

    So yeah if you ever saw them or remember them, which ones did you like? Me, hmm i loved the starwars ones, back to the future, indiana jones, willow, terminator, so many more. tg
  11. tgraveline

    Character attributes

    In your own stories, how do you make your characters different from the other ones. How are their personalities, and how do they dress regularly? What are their habits of speech and what not. I feel this is very important for any writer to accomplish with each character to make them their own...
  12. tgraveline

    Summer Movies

    So what summer movies are you looking forward to, what do you think is going to be a hit, besides revenge of the sith as that will make a buttload of money and we all know it. So yeah what do you know of thats coming out that you want to see? tg
  13. tgraveline

    The Bird and the Baby/Who's been to Eagle and Child

    The Eagle and Child Now has anyone been there? Is it still there in Oxford? I ask because I think I would like to visit it someday possibly. Is it even open to the public to go into and whatnot? tg
  14. tgraveline

    which wardrobe did you use to find us?[Merged]

    hey all, was wondering how some of you found this place. I know i found it cause i was here from the beginning, but some of you have found us and i was wondering what venues you used and whats your story and all. tg
  15. tgraveline

    Breath of Aslan

    Hey got a question everyone. What do you think being turned to stone might symbolize and what would Aslans breath symbolize then. Just curious really what you guys think about that and all. tg
  16. tgraveline

    Who Has Seen This?

    ha ha, gotta love it when you realize you loved something once now you find it terrible, just shows how much we grow up and everything. Same with books, you read them when you are younger think they are awesome but grow as a reader and read more challenging stuff then think about the older...
  17. tgraveline

    New Wonka Movie

    Well this is a future movie that has peaked my interest quite a bit. Its tim burton working with johnny depp again, which should be great cause those two work great together as we have seen before. I think this is called charlie and the chocolate factory or something like that instead. I'm a...
  18. tgraveline

    The Space Trilogy

    My friend told me about this. Said its the grownup version of narnia. Said its is completely amazing. That it talks about good versus evil, and lewis states both sides so well that he was switching sides and what he believed, cause the reasoning on both sides was so well done. I have not...
  19. tgraveline

    Who Thought The Witch Was Scary?

    All i can say is she scared me when i was younger, but enticed me with turkish delight, i'm so confused. tg
  20. tgraveline

    He Rocks

    Don't we all know it. Well i love the books of his too, though i would like to read some of the other ones about middle earth and its history. tg