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  1. happilyeverrandom

    Milk!! Anyone like milk?!

    I like milk! :D Who doesn't like milk? Well, unless you're lactose intolerent whatevermajigger, but that's okay. You're still welcome to this thread. Milk-lovers love everyone. :D I like dipping cookies in milk. Milk is good for you. Milk is for strong bones and to help you grow. (And yet, I'm...
  2. happilyeverrandom

    Leaving London...Background music...*tear*

    I'm serious. Whose heart DOESN'T break at the scene when the Pevensies leave their mother at the train station? Who DOESN'T? I mean, yeah, the book doesn't give away any detail of the kids evacuating London that way, but it's just so sad. And especially how Harry Gregson-Williams came up with...
  3. happilyeverrandom

    Places to film Prince Caspian

    OK, so there's New Zealand and Ireland. I heard somewhere that they're filming some stuff in California too. Is that true???
  4. happilyeverrandom

    ~!The "I'm Related To, Etc...." Game!~

    YAY!!! Games!!!! *claps hands* OK, so this is how you play it. I say something like,"I'm Aslan's sister." Then someone else goes,"Well, I'm Aslan's sister's friend." Then another person goes,"Well, I'm Aslan's sister's friend's hairdresser." Then some other dude goes,"Well, I'M Aslan's sister's...