Search results

  1. Nikia

    The Adventures of Milo

    Due to my love of The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy games plus my new found love of medieval literature I've been working hard on a medieval satire. It includes the quintessential hero, like Link or any Final Fantasy hero, the loyal squire, and the mysterious warrior. I'm looking to get it...
  2. Nikia

    The Pirate War

    This is my story for the NaNoWriMo contest. It features several characters who have appeared in Death Dealer and Honor and Glory. Hope you enjoy. * * * * “Madness!” The king’s advisor growled. As usual Gamle was the first to challenge the king’s decision. “Absolute madness, it is unthinkable.”...
  3. Nikia

    Pullman takes on Lewis/Tolkien

    A friend of mine sent this to me and it is an article she found on a LOTR forum. 'His Dark Materials' Writer Philip Pullman Takes 'Narnia,' 'Lord Of The Rings' To Task I've never read any of Pullman's work before and so I can't say much in regard to his work, but I did find this article of...
  4. Nikia

    The Sequel

    The sequel to the Death Dealer (which is linked in my signature). Two wars are being fought. One among the countries of Cesarnan and the Sun Kingdom and one among the rogues Ridley (Queen of Thieves) and Captain Albert (captain of the pirate ship the Fearless Dawn). While the countries fight for...
  5. Nikia

    Twilight Princess Inn RPG

    Ok I'm interested in started a medieval-type RP which takes place in a tavern/inn not unlike The Prancing Pony (for those familiar with Lord of the Rings). I'll be narrating it which is really just me changing morning to afternoon to night. All manner of guests are welcomed in the inn. The only...
  6. Nikia


    I've never been one to write poetry, but in my creative writing class I was forced too and I wasn't extremely proud of my poems, but a few I thought were pretty good. And now that the class is over I don't want these poems to fall between the cracks and become forgotten. So I thought I'd share...
  7. Nikia

    Curiosity Killed the Cat

    I was just rereading The Magician's Nephew and I started to think about Digory on Charn abd how he just had to ring the bell. And I was reminded of the old saying "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back." And I believe it rings true in Digory's case. But in a more round-about...
  8. Nikia

    Narnia, Middle-Earth, and Star Wars

    I'm sure this has been done, but I have yet to find it. I always enjoy drawing similarities to the various books and movies I enjoy. And so I'd like to see what people have come up with that compares Narnia with Middle-Earth and Star Wars. (or what is comparable between Star Wars and...
  9. Nikia

    Legend of Zelda RPG

    I have tried to start RPG's before and I really hope this one works. :rolleyes: This is a Hyrule based RPG. I'm not sure how many people have played Ocarina of Time or even Twilight Princess, but it has that same concept. The players start out in a peace way, but bad things happen and then...
  10. Nikia

    Honor and Glory

    This is the semi prequel to my story Death Dealer. It takes place about twenty some years before that and it focuses on Princess Peony (who is referenced often in my Death Dealer series). This is a little different because every few chapters in this story I will interject some of the myths about...
  11. Nikia

    The Mouth of Sauron and more

    This will only make sense if you've seen the Extended Edition of Return of the King. Anyone else feel completely cheated by that scene? I'm no huge fan of Aragorn, but he was a noble man, what Peter Jackson did to him in the Mouth of Sauron scene was disregard for all Aragorn stood for. It's...
  12. Nikia

    Denethor and Theoden

    I was watching the Return of the King special features at my friend's house a few days ago and on one of the featurettes I was struck by what was said. It had to do with Steward Denethor of Gondor and King Theoden of Rohan. Both men were great in their own way and they were very much alike...
  13. Nikia

    Death Dealer series

    I've been thinking of posting the start (and hopefully all some day) of a trilogy my friend and I are working on. I want to post it on NF, but I'd like to know I will get some amount of constructive feedback on it before I do. The story centers around a countess named Grace, who is stripped of...
  14. Nikia

    The Twilight Princess: An RP

    Ok, so a while back a friend of mine started a site for RP's and unfortunately it sort of fizzled and died, but now I'm trying to bring it back. I'm starting off with an RP about an inn. It's pretty much a free play and I'm really hoping others will join. The Story The Inn: The Twilight...