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  1. DestinyLies

    Destiny's Showcase

    Hello! Since I now have Photoplus and have made a few graphics and have gotten a lot of good reports on the one in my signature (yay), I decided to make a thread of my graphics. As of right now I AM NOT TAKING REQUESTS due to the fact I really don't have time, and I am not that great at it yet...
  2. DestinyLies

    Wallpaper Request!

    Hey everyone...I again need a request and want to see who can make me one! :) Now that that request is done below I have another one I need/ want ASAP! What> Siggy of course! Pictures> &...
  3. DestinyLies

    Destiny's Poems

    Since I had a "writing" thread, a lot of people don't know that I write poems as well, I have posted them in my "JW" thread though. So I thought I would make a seperate thread to post my many poems! Of course I will start with my most recent favorite.... ^_^_^_Heartbeat^_____ The up and down...
  4. DestinyLies

    Adela... "The Princes' Servant."

    Adela... "The Prince's Servant." I decided to post this one story of mine as a separate story, not in my "Just Writing" thread where I normally post my stories and tidbits. I am not 100% sure about the title, but it is about a servant girl named Adela...and a Prince....I hopefully will update...
  5. DestinyLies

    Ted Dekker's Green!

    Hello Ted Dekker fans, Forest Guard Members, and Rhoush! As you know Ted Dekkers' Book GREEN (Book 0) will be released soon!!!! Go visit the website Forest Guard (recruit number 4892)...or GREEN Here is the Book trailer! Here
  6. DestinyLies

    A Graphic Request!

    Hey awesome graphic makers I love so much! I need a graphic done..... Size: TDL size Text: Wipe Away The Soundless Tears Streaking Down My Face Other:I don't care if the first letters are caps or not... Pictures: Of tears or it...kind of like : if you can...if not NO WORRIES...
  7. DestinyLies

    Help With names!

    Hello! I have difficulties picking names for the many characters in my many stories. Especially since i lost my baby name book! This character is a young man -around 18 years-old- and its in the time of castles and kings. Help!!!!!! DestinyLies
  8. DestinyLies

    I need livejournal mood buttons...

    Hello, I need "buttons" for my livejournal...well I have some but they're not the right size. I have a customized thing for Twilight [pictures of Alice and Bella mostly] and if someone can resize the pics or help me in someone I would appreciate it!
  9. DestinyLies

    Left Behind The Kids

    Hi, I don't know if there is a discussion on this or not but....I am reading The Left Behind Kids Series and I just wanted to see who else has read them or likes them. Some of the "doctrine" is incorrect but it is a good series. Judd and Vicki (their relationship) is my favorite part...haha...
  10. DestinyLies

    Christian Youth Theatre Performance!

    I just saw the CYT performance of Narnia [ ] and it was great!!!! They had to change several things because of time and stuff....has anyone ever seen a CYT performance????? I saw "Oliver" in November of 2007. :D The best actress lastnight was the girl who played Lucy...
  11. DestinyLies


    Element Graphics Contest Hey! This is a contest for all graphic making members! We need a "Elements" theme for the Elements Forum [ ]. We need four different types [earth,water,fire,and air] a background,different buttons [for the forums like locked,new...
  12. DestinyLies

    Elements II

    Here we go!!!!!! This is the continued thread of the Elements....because we go too big. LOL Those new to the thread [that want to join] please PM me so I can talk with you about it As of right now we aren't accepting any new members because it...
  13. DestinyLies

    The Last Night

    "The Last Night" You come to me with scars on your wrist You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this I just came to say goodbye I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine But I know it's a lie. [Chorus:] This is the last night you'll spend alone Look me in the eyes so I know you...
  14. DestinyLies

    The Elements

    This is going to be an RP on guys and girls who have the power of the "elements" fire,water,air,and so forth. I am writing a book about 5 girls who do have the power of the elements. You can create your own character guy or girl all I need to know is this: Name: Age: Power: Bio: Pic: [optional]...
  15. DestinyLies

    The Door Within Trilogy

    Hello who has ever read the Door Within Trilogy by Wayne Thomas Batson??? I've only read the first one so far...I'm hopin to get books two and three. and Never Alone Lady Gwenne
  16. DestinyLies

    Just writing...

    Hey I'm just writing what comes to mind,I am confused right now and I need to...meditate. Here it goes..: I looked through the window down at my fiance' in the driveway washing his car. The tall 18 year old easily could reach the top of his eclipse wipeing soap on the surface. I thought about...
  17. DestinyLies

    Mermaid in the Sand

    Hello I want to give youpart of something I'm writing. It's just like an 'extra' I came up with...if you like it please comment...and if you want me to I can put up something that I originaly was going to put up here....or the beginning of this story. Here are the characters: Sandy-Mermaid Blue...
  18. DestinyLies

    Banner Challenge AGAIN!!!!! NARNIA!

    I need a graphic [banner and wallpaper] of narnia [Prince Caspian movie] that says: The fate lies with the destiny of one! If I have anymore challenges I will post them in here. THANKS! And another one that says: Narnia-December 23,2005 Eragon-December 21,2006 Now National Treasure Book of...
  19. DestinyLies


    OK I need a Banner with Hermione Granger [in her Yule Ball dress] that says: My Dress for the 2007 TDL Christmas Ball! 1.....2.....3...GO!!!!!! Candi Destiny Arya OK I have another banner request. I need a banner for my RPG The Elements I need pictures of Fire,water,air,light,and...
  20. DestinyLies


    Outriders-a club on the book series OUTRIDERS the BIRTHRIGHT PROJECT by Kathryn Mackel. We can play the characters [Brady,Niki,and all] or make our own up. I myself will be Taryan{the one Brady likes} and Pyralis {my own character}. If you've never heard of the series I advice you to look it...