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  1. aslan_bio

    [B]I want to be your friend!!![/B]

    Hi people! My name's Saulo, I'm 21 years old and I live in Brazil. I love to study english and to know others cultures, and I'm wondering if someone of you would like to be my friend. It's Ok! Bye Bye!
  2. aslan_bio


    Olá a todos! Meu nome é Saulo e eu sou brasileiro, eu gostaria de saber se há alguém por aqui que fale português, ou esteja interessado em aprender alguma coisa deste idioma. Tchau, e se cuidem! Hi all! My name`s Saulo and I`m brazilian, I`d like to know if there`s someone here that speaks...
  3. aslan_bio

    I want to be your friend

    Hello everyone! My name's Saulo I'm from Brazil and I also love the Chronicles of Narnia. I like to study languages and to know others cultures. I'd like be your penpal, ok! Hugs from the Brazil!