Search results

  1. Son of Adam

    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? (Books Only)

    The "Lord of the Rings" is indeed a classic masterpiece. However, the books have a singular flaw in them. Tolkien was a writer who spent more time on describing each and ever scene, right down to nearly describing every single tree, blade of grass, stone building, etc. What he lacked was making...
  2. Son of Adam

    The Christianity in the Chronicles

    Amen!!! The central theme to Narnia stories is the death and resurrection of Aslan (Jesus Christ in our world) paying the price for sin, and resurrecting new life in those who will receive the gift of salvation because of it.
  3. Son of Adam

    It's Been Awhile..

    Well, after several years, and after retiring as a full-time pastor, Narnia has called me back here. Some of you I remember. I'm in the middle of contacting a number of the old gang here and trying to get them to return as well. But we'll see, I guess.
  4. Son of Adam

    How old are you?

    Remembering going to the movies was 10 cents, candy bars were .05 cents, penny candy really was a penny. "I Love Lucy" was reruns on Nickelodeon. Gas was .15 cents/gallon. Man, I'm older than I thought!!! ROTFLMDO. By the way, Copperfox, I do remember you from before. Guess there isn't too many...
  5. Son of Adam

    How old are you?

    I think I am and have been the old guy here, only I haven't been here lately, but the Lord drew me back. Anyway, I am 76 years old, a retired pastor and Bible College professor.
  6. Son of Adam

    You don't have to be Christian to love Narnia

    No, one does not have to be a Christian to enjoy both the books and the movies, but it helps with understanding the spiritual aspects behind the Chronicles and get the full God-inspired blessings from them.
  7. Son of Adam

    After a long absence, I am hoping I'm back.

    Well, it's been a long time since I've been here, but I am trying to get back to normalcy. Since I was last here, we have moved to Arlington, TX, to be with my son, his wife and two of my granddaughters. Then I have just recovered from kidney surgery, but I am doing well now. Anyway, I hope...
  8. Son of Adam

    The Hunt for Gollum

    I don't know if this has ever been posted here, but it's been a while since I was last here, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the totally amazing fan film called, "The Hunt for Gollum". Here is the link: It's a wonderful 35-40 minute film...
  9. Son of Adam

    Animated Version Of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

    Like EveningStar, the animated version was my introduction to Narnia. I read the books after seeing it. It is the one DVD I need to get for my collection.
  10. Son of Adam

    Fan Art for LionCon 2008

    This is for any of you who are not going to LionCon yet would like to send in any of your fan art to be put on display there. Tags will be made for all artwork submitted with the name of the piece of art and your name displayed with it. Remember all fan art sent in will not be returned unless...
  11. Son of Adam

    Christian Film Festival Founder & CEO Slams "Narnia" Films

    As a Pastor and I Christian I get News from a Christian perspective on my emails daily. This was a quote from Doug Phillips, head and founder of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Although he was talking of Hollywood's inability or unwillingness to produce good, moral...
  12. Son of Adam

    "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"

    Interested in hearing opinions of this new FOX TV show from any who have seen it. I really got into it from the start. Don't know whether that's good or bad right now, but I was surprised at how well done the show was and the special effects, in my opinion, were top notch.
  13. Son of Adam

    RPG RULES: All Gamers Please Read!!!!!!

    There are a couple of rules we are establishing to sort of police the RPG section that are necessary, and they should not be a hinderance to most of you. This is a family-friendly forum so the basic rules apply here as well as anywhere else on the forum. But I want to highlight just a few. 1...
  14. Son of Adam

    C.S. Lewis Quotes II

    Don't know what happened to the old thread, but I am going to try to start a new one. Okay: "If these holy places, things, and days cease to remind us, if they obliterate our awareness that all ground is holy and every bush (could we but perceive it) a Burning Bush, then the hallows begin to...
  15. Son of Adam

    Pirate Master!!! New Reality Show

    I was just wondering how many watched the season premier of the new reality show "Pirate Master" produced by the creators of 'Survivor'? Personally, I really liked the concept of the show and thought the first episode wasn't bad. The ship was really cool that they sail on. What did those of...
  16. Son of Adam

    New J.R.R. Tolkein Novel Released Today!!! The Children of Hurin

    THE CHILDREN OF HURIN Description: The first complete book by J.R.R. Tolkien in three decades -- since the publication of The Silmarillion in 1977 -- The Children of Hurin reunites fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, dragons and Dwarves, Eagles and Orcs. Presented...
  17. Son of Adam

    Any Fans of the Animated One?

    I enjoyed the animated version when it first came out. Still do. It sticks very close to the book, but when faced with all the great special effects and great performances by the actors of the Walden film, it is hard to compare the two. In reality it is like comparing apples to oranges. If...
  18. Son of Adam

    Quotes By C.S. Lewis

    I thought I'd start a post that will contain only some great quotes by Mr. Lewis during his lifetime. If you have any, feel free to put them here for all of us to read and enjoy. Quote: "The great thing to remember is that, though our feelings come and go, His love for us does not."...
  19. Son of Adam

    Narnia EE book.

    I tried posting this in the other threads on the EE, but I don't think many people read all the posts that go before their own, so I will ask it here. For those of you who got the EE, did you or did you not get the Narnia Guide book that was supposed to be with it? I did not. According to the...
  20. Son of Adam

    New Special Edition DVD of the cartoon

    Hey that's really cool!!! I'll have to check that out.