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  1. Red Roses

    One Thing You Learned Today

    So you've probably heard the saying You learn something new everyday. Well, the title says it all. What's one thing you learned today? It can be something you learned at school or some random thing you figured out yourself. One thing I learned today is that if you haven't worn really high heels...
  2. Red Roses

    Red Roses Graphics

    So I finally broke down and decided to make a thread for my graphics. My stuff isn't the greatest but I thought, eh, whatevs. =D Here's some of my stuff. Hope you like it. =)
  3. Red Roses

    The Books of Pellinor

    Come on, I can't be the only one who's read them. I just got The Riddle from the library and I'll be reading it soon. So anyone else? Anyone who hasn't read them, I strongly reccomend them if you like fantasy books. It's kinda like The Inheritence Cycle books. Btw, the author is Alison Croggon.
  4. Red Roses

    What Did You Do Today?

    The title says it all. ;) Okay, I went on a field trip with my class! WOOT! We had such a great time. :D I had to get up at 5, and be at school by 6. The beginning of the journey was kinda boring and once we got there it sorta started to get fun. I ended up ditching one of my friends so I...
  5. Red Roses

    Earth Hour!

    Hey is anyone else taking part in Earth Hour? Or already did? We have 15 minutes left until it's 8:00pm. Sorry, this is a stupid thread, but I'm curious. :o
  6. Red Roses

    Red Roses' Short Stories

    Well I decided to make a thread for my short stories rather than making a different thread every time. :D Even though I don't post my short stories often... But I've been writing more and more often so here we go. :D I appreciate: comments, complaints, constructive criticism, anything! =D...
  7. Red Roses

    Top 10 - Only in America

    Ok, my friend just sent this to me, and it's HILARIOUS!! Hilarious, but true. ;) I live in Canada, and in a place where we make fun of Americans a lot. But please don't get offended, because all the things mentioned are true for Canada too. :p:D 1. Only in America......can a pizza get to...
  8. Red Roses

    A True Story...

    OK, I know this isn't the best thing I ever wrote, but my moms friend was telling my mom about it last night and I couldn't get it out of my head. So I decided to write about it. It's based on a true story, but I had to change some things to make sure that the family could keep their privacy...
  9. Red Roses


    Hey, has anyone here taken any self-defence courses?? I did, and they were GREAT!! I've got lots of tips if anyone wants.... ;)
  10. Red Roses

    The Outsiders Fan Party

    Hey, The Outsiders Fans! Have you ever wanted to be Ponyboy? Johnny? Other? Well, NarniaFan95 and I are hosting this The Outsiders party from January 4th through 14th where you can dress as your favorite characters, talk to other fans of the book/movie, and have fun! If you have any questions...
  11. Red Roses

    Your Stupidest Argument

    whats the stupidest argument you've ever had?:D right now i had a huge argument on msn with a friend of mine because she said something and i'm like i don't believe you. and she said i did! i swear! and i still didn't belive her, after a while i'm like ok ok, i believe you. and she's like...
  12. Red Roses

    I Need...

    who do you need in order to survive? right now i'm feeling so hopeless and i'm crying. all i need is God and i know He's with me. but i also wish my friends were here... and my parents. life used to be so simple when i was a kid. i wish i was small again and i could cuddle up in between my...
  13. Red Roses

    The Tomorrow Series

    Hey, has anyone here read any of The Tomorrow Series books? I just finished the third book and I'm going crazyyyyy!! They are the greatest books ever!! I bought the first book last year in December at my school's book fair, and a couple of days ago I bought the second, third, and fourth book...
  14. Red Roses

    Your Siblings and You

    well last night i was talking to Levi on msn and i had to go somewhere for a minute and when i came back i said "back" and Levi said "no you're not" and i said "ya, i'm not. this is my bro" so Levi made my "brother" aka me pertending to be my bro tell me all kinds of bad things about me. so...
  15. Red Roses


    ok Canadians!! how many of us are there on here? i know there is an overwhelming amount of our southern neighbors on here but we should pull together!! so who here's Canadian?:):D
  16. Red Roses

    Thank You Shadow Hawk!!

    ok well i was having bit of a problem the other night, and then i told Nicki about it, and so we were both worrying about it. and then Zack came along.:D and he helped us come up with the best way to go about things. and me and Nicki decided hey! lets throw Zack a thank you party. ALL of...
  17. Red Roses

    Least Favorite movie

    i forget the name but it was a really pointless moviue;)
  18. Red Roses


    For some reason I'm in a crazy thread making mood. lol. Anyways! What's your favorite sport? Doesn't matter whether you watch it or play it. I used to suck at sports all my life, and I'm one of the best in my class this year:DSo I'm pretty proud of myself. I don't watch sports but I'm good...
  19. Red Roses


    So what's your favorite hobby?:D Mines are TDL, reading, shopping, hanging with friends, and making jewelery.:)
  20. Red Roses

    Run Faster!

    well i actaully wrote this short story for a school assignment but i decided to post it here anyways. There were two things that I used to be afraid of. The first one was death and the second one volcanoes. What intensified my fear of volcanoes was that there was a one, a block from my...