Search results

  1. Tazzy

    What would your Boggart turn in to?

    Hmm, well mine would probably be huge ginormous snake! I'm even scared of slow-worms! :o What about you guys?
  2. Tazzy

    What countries have you visited?

    How many countries have you visited so far? I've only visited three. :( I've only been to Bangladesh Dubai and Qatar. Boring.
  3. Tazzy

    How many languages can you speak?

    How many languages can you speak - fluently? I can speak two. 1. Bangla 2. English But I'm also familiar with these other languages: 3. Hindi 4. Arabic (I can read, but only understand a little of ancient Arabic) 5. French (learning) 6. Latin (love it. Shame it's dead.)
  4. Tazzy

    Order of preference of the books.

    Here's mine: The Lion the witch and the wardrobe The silver Chair The Horse and his boy The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The Magician's Nephew Prince Caspian The Last Battle What about you?
  5. Tazzy

    Lucy was only ten!

    Aslan said that Lucy and Edmund are too old to go into Narnia again in the end of VotDT. Lucy was 10, and Edmund 12. And I looked at the timeline, and I think it's unfair that Peter's last time in Narnia was when he was 14. Eustace and Jill go back into Narnia when they are 16 (in the last...
  6. Tazzy

    How do you pronounce 'Eustace'?

    My brother confused me because he pronounces it different to me, and I never heard of anyone called 'Eustace', so I got even more confused. How are you supposed to pronounce it? I always said Ess-tuss. :o
  7. Tazzy

    Lie about the person above...

    In this game you need to tell a lie about the person who posted above...enjoy! :)
  8. Tazzy

    Interesting facts about the author

    I thought we'd start a thread where we could know loadsa new and interessting things about him.... Me first! C.S Lewis was an athiest from the age of 13 - 31 because he thought that religion became 'work' instead of worship.