Search results

  1. Inkling

    Hurray for new mod: Benisse!

    They couldn't be goodlier She couldn't be lovelier We couldn't be luckier THANK GOODNESS! You'll make a wonderful mod, and we're glad to have you with us.
  2. Inkling

    Mafia Game 22: Once More Unto the Breach

    The game is afoot... IT IS NOW Day (at long last)... Make Your Choice! Day will end on September 7th, 2010 (or as soon as everyone votes ;) ) CO-HOSTS: Inkling and Petraverd THE USUAL SUSPECTS: Zella: Angel, killed Day 1 (one of the pair of lovers) Gondorgirl: Duke, murdered Night 1...
  3. Inkling

    First RP Seminar

    This is something I have been hoping to schedule for quite some time, and with what has recently taken place in the forum RPG and some of the questions that have developed, I believe it should be informative. It will be held THIS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD, at 6 p.m. Pacific Time in the...
  4. Inkling

    RP Comings and Goings

    Feel free to make use of this thread, if you so choose, to notify us about when you are planning to be gone or unavailable to RP for a time. We recognize that always, always, always real life comes first, and will be accommodating. When possible, it is usually a good idea, when you know that...
  5. Inkling

    In the Heart of Anvard (My Kingdom For a Horse): Free RP

    This majestic city, capital of Archenland, lies due north of the Winding Arrow river. Anvard is comprised of a stretch of flat parkland, wit a few straggling trees not sufficient to constitute a forest, per se. Dominating the skyline, of course, are the walls surrounding King Lune's castle, the...
  6. Inkling

    RP Etiquette: From Dragons to Doornails

    After watching the RP on the forum, I feel compelled to offer a few reminders--guidelines, if you will, of things to avoid when you're RPing. And yes, over the past week I've seen pretty much all of these happening since we re-opened. This is either: (A) Because it was a choice between writing...
  7. Inkling

    NARNIA DAY FUN: Essays Away

    In honor of Narnia Day, March 21st, we'd like to see your best essays on how Narnia has impacted you. Post your essays here...this is not a contest to be judged, but rather a place to share with each other and get to know one another a little bit better. I should nudge Into the Wardrobe to...
  8. Inkling

    NARNIA DAY CONTEST #2: Artistic License

    In honor of Narnia Day, which is coming up on March 21st, we are instituting a couple of contests for your enjoyment. They will end on Narnia Day, so we can judge and assign winners. THERE ARE TWO CATEGORIES FOR YOU ARTISTS/GRAPHICS MAKERS; submit your entries here. 1. Original drawings of...
  9. Inkling

    NARNIA DAY CONTEST #1: Start the Presses

    In honor of Narnia Day, which is coming up on March 21st, we are instituting a couple of contests for your enjoyment. They will end on Narnia Day, so we can judge and assign winners. CONTEST FOR WRITERS; submit your entries here. Poems or Short Stories centering on your favorite Narnian...
  10. Inkling

    The Seven Stars Inn (5 Spaces): Plot Thread

    The gruff proprietor, a badger by the looks of it, stands waiting at the door to welcome customers into this spacious inn. As soon as the doors are opened, the hum of conversation flows outside. In the back is a tavern, where weary travelers can order food and drink. Stools have been grouped...
  11. Inkling

    Outside the Oak Grove (6 Spaces): Plot Thread

    The edge of this glade is formed by a ring of oaks, towering and ancient. Even the birds fall silent here, leaving the solitude undisturbed. Other trees, maple, aspen, and even hemlock, have grown under the shadow of their sturdy protectors. Even in the heat of summer, the heart of the forest...
  12. Inkling

    In Ashe Fork (This is the for-est primeval...): Free RP

    The town of Ashe Fork is full of life. Small cottages, homes to entire families, seem to have sprung up almost haphazardly, with a well holding pride of place in the very center of the community. The residents appear friendly enough, calling out greetings and waving as they pass one another...
  13. Inkling

    Towards Bism and Below (Tours Running Daily): Free RP

    Miles underground, the glitter of gemstones beckons. Some caverns appear to lead nowhere at all, and strange, unearthly creatures can be found in their depths. Most of this land has never seen habitation. Subterranean fires provide a ruddy glow and cast unnatural shadows upon the cavern...
  14. Inkling

    By Cauldron Pool (No Splashing!): Free RP

    Cauldron Pool is massive, stretching further than the natural eye can see; it is surrounded by stone sentinels, and the water itself constantly churns and roils. At the water's edge it is calmer, and patches of grass and clover, fit food for equines, dot the bank. The pool itself has been...
  15. Inkling

    At the Dancing Lawn (Dancing Through Life): Free RP

    This large clearing is in sharp contrast to the woodland hemming it in on all sides. A well-trodden path winds into the glade, and both the grass and the flowers within its perimeter have been trampled down almost completely...strange. The perfume rising up from the crushed grasses and blooms...
  16. Inkling

    Beyond Harfang (Climb Ev'ry Mountain!): Free RP

    High up in the mountains, the air is thin and clear. Crags of stone touch the sky, and this is inhospitable country, where little grows except a few scraggly gorse bushes. It is much more frigid here, high above sea level, particularly at night, when the stars are brilliant points of light. A...
  17. Inkling

    Along the Shribble (It'll rain. If not, it'll be scorching.): Free RP

    Deep in the marshes, the Shribble river flows. It is, of course, quite likely to wash away any settlement along its banks, but that is only to be expected. Though the sky is clear now, it's going to rain sometime, so it would be best to prepare. A gloomy looking cloud seems to perpetually...
  18. Inkling

    The Pass to Archenland (From Narnia and the North): Free RP

    The rocky trails here are slick and treacherous, particularly given the snow, which runs off into several deep ravines on either side. It is a desolate and forlorn passage which connects Narnia to its southern neighbor. Scrub brush and a few, scraggly trees mark the edge of the wilderness, and...
  19. Inkling

    The River (6 Spaces): Plot Thread

    Cutting through the very heart of the Narnian countryside, the great river ebbs and flows, weaving its way across the land. It has already begun to freeze over, and a light dusting of frost coats the cattails along the bank. To the west, the water cascades over a set of falls, meaning that...
  20. Inkling

    The Northern Marshes (Brrrrr!): Free RP

    The marshland on Narnia's northern border can be described in a word: gloomy. The squelch of movement through mud is the primary sound which sharp ears might be able to pick up on, and everything is coated with the dull gray, sticky substance. Crows circle in the air above, and the light in...