middle earth

  1. Glenburne

    100 or More Things You Learned from LOTR

    Considering that there are so many things to be learned from the Narnian world, I thought LOTR might teach a similar number... 1. Don't spend your life studying evil, even to defeat it, or it will defeat you (i. e. Saruman). 2. You're safest in your hobbit-hole. 3. Hairy feet are good for...
  2. M

    Adventure through Middle-Earth

    Okay this is ment to be funny and silly and of course cool! The bus is ready. The Witch-King already entered. He is not going to drive the bus. The Balrog is our driver. Get on board for THE TOUR THROUGH MIDDLE-EARTH Visit your beloved places by joining our bus! The Hobbits are happy to show you...
  3. M

    Virtual walk through Middle-Earth

    Mods, if this isn't the right place, will you move this topic to the right one? because I have no clue where we should post this otherwise ;) Okay, who is coming with me on a virtual walk through ME? We start at Mirkwood. Thranduil is waiting for us and he is having a huge dinner table...
  4. Warrior-Poet51088

    Favorite LotR Character?

    Favorite LOTR Character, Anyone? So, yea, vote for your favorite character, and then, in a post, tell us who you voted for and give some good reasons! (Not b/c he's soo hot) :angry: ;)