'09 Calender & Contest!

Hey! I thought up a neat idea. For the remaining months in 2009 (not counting April, so May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December) why not make a calender together? One person will sign up for a month, and make a calender page using that, that people can put on their desktops or something.

If you want to join, post a message on my wall, or PM me! We can have seven more people. At the end, we'll vote on the coolest! If you want to make one, these are the rules:

01. Deadline to turn it in: April 30
02. There is no limit on theme (film, music, book, &c.), but please tell me what it is going to be when you sign up.
03. Size must be 800x600.
04. Each person can only sign up for one month. Only fair.

May: QueenSusanofNarnia, Spring Awakening: http://i40.tinypic.com/33o1nab.jpg
June: Nightcrawler_Fan: http://www.narniafans.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6946&d=1241035183
July: Miss.Sunflower
August: Truman - http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f231/BingCrosby/Photoshop Images/TDLCalendarAugust.jpg
September: EtM, Anna Popplewell: http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm5/EarendilEveningStar/Graphics/Contests/SeptemberCalendarV4.png
October: Frodosgurl
November: MGGT - http://i42.tinypic.com/2lcsdbo.png
December: NightFire
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Wow, the month of my B-day has Anna on it. :D Could I get August, then?

...Oh, does it have to be Narnia-related or can it just be whatever you go for as long as it ties with the month?