A Few Lyrics


New member
Should probably just keep putting all my songs in one thread.. :rolleyes: Here's a few (maybe.. more than a few... but oh well) more songs I've written recently (from last Fall to.. two days ago-ish)

Blood On My Sleeve

A nice little family
In a nice little town
No struggles here
Or troubles around
Indecisive's the name
As I take for granted
This life which my
Mind will make slanted

Everyone stares at the blood on my sleeve
As if I've got a deadly disease
What happened to the forgiveness you promised me?
Where's the mercy I was told I'd see?

I didn't want this
To happen to me
It's not my choice
Why can't you see?
I'm not playing victim
When the temptations come around
It's so hard to resist
I just want to be found

Everyone stares at the blood on my sleeve
As if I've got a deadly disease
What happened to the forgiveness you promised me?
Where's the mercy I was told I'd see?

I want a friend who
Will give me direction
My heart needs
To feel Your protection
I'm tired of being judged
By the look on my face
Teach me to show
All Your children grace

Everyone stares at the blood on my sleeve
As if I've got a deadly disease
What happened to the forgiveness you promised me?
Where's the mercy I was told I'd see?

To judge is to be judged
By the ones you love
I'd rather turn the other cheek
Not take off the gloves
My scarlet letter is
Blood on my sleeve
But I know Jesus's blood
Has washed me clean

Everyone stares at the blood on my sleeve
As if I've got a deadly disease
But I know He looks at the heart
I'll do my best to play my part

Everyone stares at the blood on my sleeve
As if I've got a deadly disease
Jesus promised me that His blood has made me clean
In return I'll try to teach others like me
What His forgiveness has done and means


Sleep well, child under God
Rest peacefully, dear friend
May His angels protect you tonight
The Lord's blessing be with you
Little one

Oooooohhhh x3, let your worries drift away

I pray your night will be pleasant
May your dreams keep you well
May the Father give you peace
Give you peace
Be covered in security

Oooooohhhh x3, let your worries drift away

As you lay your head to rest this night
I pray you'll be kept healthy and in sight
Of the Lord's glory and under His protection
Rest well tonight

Oooooohhhh x3, let your worries drift away
Oooooohhhh x3

(it sounds better than is read :rolleyes:)


You looked at this mess that is us
You thought of the diamonds we could be
Through You
You saw beautiful children of Yours
You love a world hopeless, helpless
Without You

You see us through and forgive us
You care about Your sinners saved by grace
Pardon my astonishment that the painter of sunsets
Can look into our faces

You looked at our constant mistakes
You smiled in forgiveness as You helped
Us through
You saw mighty warriors for You
You love a world shamed, unforgiven
Without You

You see us through and forgive us
You care about Your sinners saved by grace
Pardon my astonishment that the painter of sunsets
Can look into our faces

How can You care enough to give us another chance?
To keep trying to show us the way?
You give us mercy we don't deserve
We still don't do enough to repay You
We never will

But it's enough for You
To give ourselves to You
To give You our lives
It's enough for You
Thank You

The Underbelly of the Beast

Oh, how we misjudged you
Mistook you in our fear
Terrified of what we didn't understand

In your magnificent glory
We cower in awe
We couldn't see past the rough skin

You did us no wrong
Didn't bring us any harm
But we're an untrustworthy race
Didn't even bother to see
What you really were
Quick, aim for the belly
Of the beast

Oh, how we overlooked You
Lost sight of You too soon
Misunderstood the power of
Your love

In Your magnificent glory
We cower in awe
We couldn't understand the perfect sacrifice

You did us no wrong
Didn't bring us any harm
But we're an untrustworthy race
Didn't even bother to see
What you really were
Quick, aim for the belly
Of the beast

Didn't bother to see who You were
We joined the crowd's displeasure
We desire for the worst
If only we'd known Your true words
Would we have shot so quickly
For the underbelly of the beast?

You did us no wrong
Didn't bring us any harm
But we're an untrustworthy race
Didn't even bother to see
What you really were
Quick, aim for the belly
Of the beast


Oh, how I long to breathe
Lord, can I be free?
To feel You mercy come in
To have control again

Clear my mind
Clean my heart
Make me new
Pour out Your love so true
Have mercy on this tired soul

Can You heal this broken heart?
I know You can do all things
Praying for Your mercy
You make me feel at home

Clear my mind
Clean my heart
Make me new
Pour out Your love so true
Have mercy on this tired soul

I'm tired of these lies Satan feeds me
I'm tired of that knife that cuts
Cuts through my mind
Cuts through my heart
Cuts through my skin

Clear my mind
Clean my heart
Make me new
Pour out Your love so true
Have mercy on this tired soul

There is hope with a new day
Love after sin
There is forgiveness and peace within
His heart
His being
His love

Wave Goodbye

Is it real? Is it true?
Can this feeling last
Beyond the next upset?
I've lost the will to believe in myself
But it can't last forever
You're so much greater

If only the world knew
That You're so true
Through and through
And there isn't doubt in me
To make me think twice about You

Is it real? Is it true?
Can this feeling last
Beyond the next fad?
I've lost the will to give up
Because I know You last
You're so beautiful

If only the world knew
That You're so true
Through and through
And there isn't doubt in me
To make me think twice about You

Oh, how healing is Your presence
To know You're there
To feel how much You care
It's overwelming, overflowing
Let me sit and adore You

If only the world knew
That You're so true
Through and through
And there isn't doubt in me
To make me think twice about You

Wave goodbye to your sin
Wave goodbye to your sorrows
He's come to lift us up
Fly with freedom

Every Moment

Why can't every moment be like this?
To love and know You, I pray, I wish
I want to love You with all my being
You are the only thing worth seeing

You're the start and finish
And everything inbetween
You're the Man who suffered more than me
You're the God who sets the captives free
You're the all, the only thing worth it
My everything

Why can't every moment be like this?
To love and know You, I pray, I wish
I want to love You with all my being
You're the only thing worth anything

Let me sit here and love You
Let me adore and praise You

You fill this empty hole in my heart
Until it overflows
I'll do Your will knowing that
You'll never go
You are worthy
You are holy
You are perfect

Why can't every moment be like this?
To love and know You, I pray, I wish
I want to love You

I lay myself before You
Praying You'll accept this
Trying to love You every moment You love me

Anger Management

Can You tell me what just happened?
I think I missed something
I think I blacked out

There's a beast that resides inside of me
Yelling out and becoming free
And no matter how much I long for it to flee
The only way for it to leave is through Thee

Can You tell me what just happened?
I think I missed something
I think I blacked out

There's a beast that resides inside of me
Yelling out and becoming free
And no matter how much I long for it to flee
The only way for it to leave is through Thee

And when the rage comes
The lines cross
And black even seems white
But when Your love pours
Oh Lord
I see better than ever
And Your grace calms my soul
And Your mercy calms my spirit
And You touch my inner core

While I keep trying to fight this on my own
You're always there to remind me
You're there, always here for me
Ready for me to be ready
To surrender myself to You
Ready to carry me, to become one with You

Cry On God's Shoulder

The first time I heard about you
My heart broke to its core
The end is not near for you
God weeps for your soul
If you want healing
You can find it in Him
There's shelter in Him

Listen for His whisper, it's there
Search for His heart, there's love
Knock the doors of temptation down
You can cry on God's shoulder

Don't lose yourself in the day's chaos
There's hope afterwards
God's faithful to you

Listen for His whisper, it's there
Search for His heart, there's love
Knock the doors of temptation down
You can cry on God's shoulder

When your heart feels heavy
Threatening to go through you
Give Him your burden
He will sustain you

The first time I heard about you
My heart broke to its core
The end is not near for you
God weeps for your soul

Listen for His whisper, it's there
Search for His heart, there's love
Knock the doors of temptation down
You can cry on God's shoulder
Inside Job

I can't remember what it was like
But I can feel it from within
The passion helping me get by
There's a longing I cannot tame
A burning desire that won't coincide

In this short time on earth
We need to give our soul, ourselves
What we need to survive
What we crave deep inside

I can't wait to get back to You
To feel You from within
To get rid of this hole inside
Let this love run loose
No longer feeling just fine

Let this love run loose

In this short time on earth
We need to give our soul, ourselves
What we need to survive
What we crave deep inside

I tried filling it with emptyness
Filling it with the world
Stuffing it with wretchedness
Until it overflowed with cold
Feelings of despair
Feeling completely lost
No matter when, no matter where
I see You've payed my cost

In this short time on earth
We need to give our soul, ourselves
What we need to survive
What we crave deep inside

Just To See Your Smile

It's hard sometimes
Going another day without you
Not knowing if I even
Know who you are

I've got a cold spot
That's impatient to see your smile
And to finally know it's you

Another sunrise, another day
Of feeling that pain
Of not knowing
We aren't meant to be alone
But I'll hush my hurry to make sure
To wait for the perfect time

I won't waste my time
Being casual when I know
We're going to be best friends

Another sunrise, another day
Of feeling that pain
Of not knowing
We aren't meant to be alone
But I'll hush my hurry to make sure
To wait for the perfect time

Let It Be You

I wanna see a smile upon your face
I want to know the Father given grace
I want to know things turned out the way
They were meant to be, only for today

Let it be Your will
Let it be Your touch
Let it be Your favor
Oh Lord, my God

Give us more of You and never stop
Even if we fall flat and flop
Please smile down upon us
And guide us no matter the fuss

Let it be Your will
Let it be Your touch
Let it be Your favor
Oh Lord, my God

Let it be Your will
Let it be Your blessing
Let it be Your favor
Oh Lord, my God

My God, my God, my God
Your mercy never ceases
Your love never decreases
Through all of these seasons
You're here, You're here
You're with us, guide us
Be our light, our shining Knight
Ride in and save the day

Let it be Your will
Let it be Your touch
Let it be Your favor
Oh Lord, Jesus

Let it be Your will
Let it be Your touch
Let it be Your favor
Let it be You

Father, How?

father, how could you do this?
to your family? to your daughter?
father, i begin to realize you
and your games, my heart breaks

i don't wish you ill
i don't know your heart
i pray mercy, mercy
i pray for revelation

maybe it's defense, perhaps hate
but the words you spoke after
the mistakes you made only hurt
you left a mess no one saw
to pick up - father, how?

father, why did you do this?
or were you simply a seed on stone?
father, i begin to realize you
and your games, my heart breaks

i don't wish you ill
i don't know your heart
i pray mercy, mercy
i pray for revelation

maybe it's defence, perhaps confusion
but the words you spoke after
the mistakes you made only hurt
you left a mess no one saw
to pick up - father, why?

father, human, stop going with the flow
don't take the hardway anymore
Lord, our Father, hold our hearts in Hand
in Your Hands, Almighty, change his heart

i don't wish you ill
i don't know your heart
i pray mercy, mercy
i pray for revelation

Note: This song was written for my best friend. Seen from my perspective, as she's like a sister to me, I was refering to her father as "father". There's no correct punctuation as an implication that I'm not speaking of God, rather, capitalizing His name when used.

Miss You

All I'd ever do all day D
Is listen to your favorite songs
And cry A
All I'd ever do all night
I'd read your favorite books
And cry

I miss you more G almost C with pinky half bottom3
I miss you more
I miss you more
My dear
I'd miss you more as the days fade away

All I'd ever dream about
All I'd ever feel
Is the pain
And maybe one day
Through endless days before
I'd get through it

I miss you more
I miss you more
I miss you more
My dear
Tomorrow can't come soon enough for me

I don't know what I'd do B2 w/ pinky 5th 3
But rather, mope and cry
I don't know what I'd do
I hope I never have to decide

I miss you more
Right now
I miss you more
In this hour
I miss you more
Tomorrow can't come soon enough for me
Tomorrow, and then I'll have you

You're Here

Through my crying in the night L-GD EB R-DGAB BEGAB
Comes Your sweet, calming spirit
I search for the right words to say
But there isn't enough time now
A bit of doubt becomes heartache
A bit of heartache turns to depression

Yet I know You're here R-BAGEGAGDBD
I know You're here
I can't get rid of this feeling
But I trust You, I believe
I love You

You know my heart R-BAG AGE BAG AGED
You know, You know
You know, You know
I will cry to You, help
With praises ready on my tongue

I know You're here
I know You're here
I can't get rid of this feeling
But I trust You, I believe
I love You

I'm not a lonely soul L-AD R-GBD D GBD D BDG G BDG G
Out of place
A wretch found in Your loving grace
I'm not a lonely soul
All alone
I'm not, because

I know You're here
I know You're here
I can't get rid of this feeling
But I trust You, I believe
I love You


I'll praise You all throughout the night
I'll watch the sun rise through cracked glass
But I can still see it's beautiful light
And no matter how dark the night threatens
The Son will come and set us free

I can see the beams shining over the hill
The dark may not be gone but it's going

I can feel the battle coming to an end
It may look done but You've already won

I'll praise You all throughout the night
I'll watch the sun rise through cracked glass
But I can still see it's beautiful light
And no matter how dark the night threatens
The Son will come and set us free

No matter the waves crashing down
No matter the winds stirring up
Your grace will never end
You make us see clearly

I'll praise You all throughout the night
I'll watch the sun rise through cracked glass
But I can still see it's beautiful light
And no matter how dark the night threatens
The Son will come and set us free

Heart In Hand

Tortured thoughts
Swimming through the fog
Lost in a never ending abyss
Daggers, darkness
Voices, lies

Suddenly I'm blinded from the light
That this Heaven-send shines
I long to have peace
But it's not for me

Can her words be true?
I almost feel safe in letting her know
What a wretch I am

I'm drowning in the love
That this Heaven-send pours
I long to belong
Can this be for me?

I was wrong about the only thing I knew
She showed me love, she had faith in You
I'll believe, I'll receive
I will love You

I'm drowning in the love
That this Heaven-send pours
I long to belong
Your love is so free


I always think I'll be really brave
Do the best I can, it's so easy to say
I'll walk by faith when I can't stand

Lord, would You hear this plea? EM+E+pinky 1 sting down
Help strengthen and guide me
So I may better understand You
And accept Your will

You said You'd never leave me
You said You'd always keep me
You say You know my needs
So I'll believe

Lord, would You hear this plea?
Help strengthen and guide me
So I may better understand You
And accept Your will

It all seems so confused and torn
Leaving the remains weathered and worn
But You pick up these broken pieces
Help me stand, show me Your faith again

I always say I'll be brave
But I know only You can save

Lord, would You hear this plea?
Help strengthen and guide me
So I may better understand You
And accept Your will
Wrote this last night... definitely not my favorite of my lyrics..


When I'm all alone
There's nothing left of me
But wore out energy
A pathetic excuse for life

Father, bring me new life
Send down your mercy anew
Shine through Your children
To remind, we're revived through You

In the middle of the night
I lie awake and dream
Then wonder why
I waste my time

Father, bring me new life
Send down your mercy anew
Shine through Your children
To remind, we're revived through You

Searching through the night
Until Your light shows us
The way
In the night around me
They creep and crawl but
They can't get past You

Father, bring me new life
Send down your mercy anew
Shine through Your children
To remind, we're revived through You

Humble me in You, Lord
We're revived through You
Thanks so much guys :eek:

WOW!! :eek: these lyrics are really good! I love the themes you use and the words you use to describe them! do you write tunes as well as lyrics? :D

I do write tunes! I've been working on piano for some of these since Christmas and recently picked up (and practically stole) my brother's electric guitar to get some music that way. Haven't made music to both of them for the same song.. but yes, I do write tunes :D
Double posts are stupid, yes, but I just got finished writing this song (literally just finished :rolleyes:) so I figured I'd post it...

Trust Me

You would think I'd have it planned by now
Set into motion, in the works somehow
But I'm still here, waiting, waiting

Look into my heart
Please show me who I am
In Your eyes
I don't do enough, I know
I have so much to learn
I'll work to obey You, Lord
Until You can trust me

All I ever do is freak out all day
Impatient to know everything's okay
You keep me here, waiting, waiting

Look into my heart
Please show me who I am
In Your eyes
I don't do enough, I know
I have so much to learn
I'll work to obey You, Lord
Until You can trust me

I would be such a fool to think
I could do this on my own
I would be such a fool
I'll just listen to You

Keep at it, work at it, build through You
To listen, to obey, to glorify You
Teach me what I need to know so
I can help make You famous

Look into my heart
Please show me who I am
In Your eyes
I don't do enough, I know
I have so much to learn
I'll work to obey You, Lord
Until You can trust me
I guess I'll update... wrote a song last night, this morning.. it was 5am :rolleyes: I don't personally like it but my best friend says it's good, so..


I regret my weeping, my tears of sorrow
But it's all I can seem to do right now
I can't deny I'm screaming, I'm falling
But there's a glimmer of hope on my heart

Your love, oh, Your love
Provides the need
Hears every plea
You are the only thing
To hold on to
When I'm falling apart

I'm being ripped apart at the seam
And this fear won't stop pulling
My very core is shaking, tumbling down
But sometimes there's a whisper, "hope"

Your love, oh, Your love
Provides the need
Hears every plea
You are the only thing
To hold on to
When I'm falling apart

At all times I fear pain can win
But what were Your words? None of defeat
Your strength ignites the sun
The night has to hide
Your Son ignites our hearts

Your love, oh, Your love
Provides the need
Hears every plea
You are the only thing
To hold on to
When I'm falling apart

Oh, sweet amazing grace
You've won, victorious
The night can't win
It will never win