A few questions before...


New member
I'm almost finished planning my fanfiction. It's quite complete and I really want to post it on a chapter by chapter basis here. That is--if no one minds. I wanted to write this story to answer the questions in my mind about the Narnia series on a whole. You know the kind of questions I mean. Ones like, "Where did that come from? What happened to so and so?" My story, if anyone wants to read it...is set on earth about 35 years after The Last Battle. I won't say anymore than that. None of the story happens in Narnia. I hope it is liked. As always, I'm only writing it for the enjoyment of...well myself and anyone else who like fanfiction.

I do have one question before I actually post anything. In what year did Germany bomb London in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. In what year were the Pevensie sent to live with Digory? I already know what their ages were, but I need to know the year.

P.S. Which part of the forum should I post the fanfiction on?
