A House story" Based on the show"

Gentle Voice

Active member
OK this what I been writing I not write a lot on this one OK? just two Ch.

Ch 1 Meeting House " Oh, boy"

One day I walked into the hospital to apply for a job there. I had not gone far when I bumped into a gray-haired guy with a cane.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I told him. He didn't say anything at first; then he frowned and asked, "Whatever what do you want?" in a voice full of attitude. I sighed. " Yeah, I'm looking for a doctor named House; do you know him?," I told him, holding my paperwork in my arms. He started to walk away from me " You found him," he told me, still walking away. "Are you telling that you're House?" I gasped. "Oh, man, tell me you're joking, right?" I asked, following him. "Nope, I'm not joking," he told me, walking into his office.

When I was in his office, he asked me why I was there; so I told him that I had begun pre-medical classes. I wanted to become a doctor like my Grandfather. Since I knew it would be years before I could earn my M.D. degree, I was hoping that I could begin growing familiar with hospital routines by taking one of the lower-level jobs like housekeeping or food service.

Dr. House almost smiled. "I'm relieved, kid," he told me. "I had the strangest feeling that you expected to walk in from the street and start performing heart surgery this afternoon. Give me your application and references, and I'll see what I can do for you."

I got up from my seat thinking, "What have I done?" Cuddy had been listening to my conversation with the veteran doctor; now he stepped close to us and said, "I like her. I hope she does get a job on the hospital team, and we'll see what she can do."

But House retorted sarcastically, "Yes, we desperately need more girls telling us about their grandfathers! Why should she be here?" Cuddy sighed and turned away for a moment; but then he turned back, yelling in House's face that I should be given a chance. House grumbled, "I'll try to come up with something good I can say to Human Resources about her. Maybe she will be better than some support workers I've seen. And seeing her making beds or whatever will give us a little warning of what to expect if she ever finishes med school."
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Ch two can my life get any better?

Six years have passed. I have my M.D. degree now, and I'm one of the intern doctors working with Dr. House. My family are very proud of me for putting up with House. Oh boy, I almost want to make him cry what he did to me * sigh*. But I don't think anything would make him cry.

I'm twenty-five now and I'm still not going out with any man. I'm glad in a way that Dr. House is making me do all this work. One day I was walking down the hall when I heard someone call for help. A girl who looked about age fourteen was lying on the floor. An unused wheelchair was nearby, so I grabbed it as I went running up to her. She was conscious and responsive, but she wasn't sure why she had collapsed. I asked if she remembered her name; she told me. I checked her heartbeat with my stethoscope; it was irregular.

I was helping her into the wheelchair when House came. " What do we have here?" he asked, looking at me. I told him, "This girl needs our help and fast. She has an irregular heartbeat, and something made her collapse." House told me, "Okay, you know the way to the Emergency Room." Right then I wanted to put my hands on his throat and choke him so bad.

Hours went by and we still haven't figured out what was wrong with this girl. I told House what I thought was wrong, and he made a weird noise like I was wrong or something. Then my friend Kikki told him what she thought; you guessed it, he did the same thing to her as he did to me * sigh* If he knew everything, what on earth does he need us for!?

Now it's almost midnight and we had someone in the ER with her. I, on the other hand, was with House, telling him what I thought was going on. Then he yelled "Bingo!" I looked at him oddly at first, then noticed what was going on. He knew what was going on with the girl I * sighed* because that's what I just told him. Geez can this guy for once listen to me, or is he doing this to make me mad? Yeah, you guessed it right again, he was just making me mad. I walked out of the room with him to tell the others that she had something inside of her that was growing; called large parasitic worm can you say ew? I was glad we saved this girl before she dead.
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I looooove House!! And I like your story!
But you should make House more sarcastic and witty...
I'd love to help if you have any doubts about the story.