A Romance between Susan and Caspian?


New member
I believe that I have read that there is a romance between the two, but I have just finished reading the book and I have not noticed said romance.

Can someone clarify this for me?

The only interaction of note between the two that I can remember is when the four are preparing to return to Earth and Caspian offers to return Susan's horn, but she refuses and tells him that he may keep it. I read that with mixed feeling, because it was another reminder that Susan won't return to Narnia (chronologically) after that book. I hate that Susan "misses" like that, but it's for the better drama of the book and there must be an example of such a person and of such a situation for the allegory of the series.
Susan?!?! More like Lucy....

I agree with TrueNarnian that Susan and Caspian are not lovers - simply friends. But in book 5, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I could not help but notice the connection between the Caspian and Lucy. Caspian even gave up his cabin for her! He let her wear his clothes, and saved her before Eustace when they were swimming for the boat. Is Caspian just a gentleman, always putting ladies first? Or is there something more?


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Susan was too old for Caspian--the more so since she had actually BEEN an adult and reverted back with the others. Now, if Susan COULD have stayed in Narnia and married Caspian, it would probably have been better for her own spiritual health; but how would Peter, back in our world, have explained her disappearance?
There is another thread exactly like this in the movie discussion sub-forum. That being said: yes Copperfox, in respect to Narnia years Susan was far to old for him, nearly a thousand years older, but in regards to the earth time, Peter is said to be about the same age as Caspian, making Caspian older than Susan was in earth time in the book.
However, I agree that a romance is necessarily impossible between Susan and Caspian, they Barely met before she had to leave again and I personally think that Caspian was to much in awe of her as being a great Queen from the deep past to have persued anything.
Been awhile since I read PC. I thought he was no more than 12 in that book, and would figure Susan to be 14 or older when they met.
By my reckoning Caspian is about 15 in CP and Susan 14, at least physiologically. So in age terms a romance is not out of the question but there is simply nothing in the book to suggest it. They just did not see enough of each other for there to be anything between them.

As for Caspian and Lucy they must have been 18 and 12 respectivelly in VDT so that's just a non starter. If you must imagine a romance for Lucy it would have to be in the Golden Age of Narnia or in England just before TLB. Lucy was about 17 at least in TLB so it's not inconceivable she could have had a boyfriend. However I would not really envy such a young man as I suspect Peter and Edmund would be fiercely protective of their little sister.
I agree with the others that there was no time for a relationship to form between Susan and Caspian. She saw him only after the battle.

As for Caspian's behavior toward Lucy in VotDT, 'twas chivalry. You always save the ladies first. And seeing as how she was the only female on the Dawn Treader, of course Caspian spared his own private cabin for her use. Number one, she was the Queen. Number two, she needed privacy more than anyone else.

Reading the end of LW&W, it states that Lucy was the one that all of the princes wanted to have as their wife (well, with the exception of Rabadash of Tashbaan--I guess Susan just drew the wrong crowd).

Any feelings for Lucy that Caspian had would have been like an affection for a little sister, though like Susan, Lucy was about a thousand years older than him in Narnia.

I think that Aslan would have preserved him from feelings for the Pevensie girls because he did not want a broken hearted King, and neither of them were the person Aslan intended for him.
The Pevensies are not a thousand years older than Caspian. They merely came from a thousand years in the past. As is mentioned, it would be as if King Arthur returned in present-Day England. Age doesn't change when traveling into the future.

If Susan married Caspian:
Peter to his parents:

"Where is Susan? Well good news and bad news. The good news is that Susan has fallen in love with a King and they got married. We even witnesed the wedding. The bad news is that we may never see her again. It is nearly impossible to get to her home now. I know I can't get back. Luce and Ed may be able to see her again, but I don't know if they'll be able to get back there in time."

I don't think there's a thread of romance betweent Caspian and Susan in the book but it seems they always throw romance into films these days even if it isn't there to begin with *grrr*
The Pevensies are not a thousand years older than Caspian. They merely came from a thousand years in the past. As is mentioned, it would be as if King Arthur returned in present-Day England. Age doesn't change when traveling into the future.

If Susan married Caspian:
Peter to his parents:

"Where is Susan? Well good news and bad news. The good news is that Susan has fallen in love with a King and they got married. We even witnesed the wedding. The bad news is that we may never see her again. It is nearly impossible to get to her home now. I know I can't get back. Luce and Ed may be able to see her again, but I don't know if they'll be able to get back there in time."


'Tall depends. No measureable time passes on Earth while someone is in Narnia, so Susan could have lived through a long marriage with Caspian, been widowed in due course, and returned to Earth, once more regressing to childhood as she came back, the instant after her siblings returned. But this would have thrown VDT out of the window, of course, and also raises the ugly spectre of $€}{ since presumably Caspian and Susan both would have been keen to see to it that there was a Caspian the Eleventh. :)
It will come to nothing in the end, there just cannot be that sort of thing, nothing like I said in a thread over this same subject a while back, I do not want it cause that will just make Susan's denial of Narnia in the LB that much worse.