A song I've been working on


New member
Enjoy and don't be afraid to bash! I like knowing what you all think!

City of lies

In the city of lights, no one knows the truth
Yellow converse sneakers on sidewalk..
glowing bright, in this city of lights.
In the city of lights, no one speaks a word.
They savor each breath and wait til their death
to know the world.
When they should have spoken,
in this town out west that's broken.

In this city of lights, cut the power lines.
Yellow converse sneakers on the sidewalk..
Reflectors for drunken drivers,
that can't drive for life with their wipers on.
Pouring rain coming in open windows..
killing children every day, tomorrow still seems so far away.

In the city of lies, we are all a sin.
We watch our lives, as the world spins by,
we take a drink.
In this town up north like before,
we're all dying to get out and know the world.

But we're still so afraid,
smoking packs every day.
Losing our lives, watchin people run by.
They're ahead of us and we're still behind --

In this world we call home,
we are all alone.
Yellow converse sneakers pushed aside..
filthy, old and abandoned.
We've grown up and moved out to this new land.
really nice

but one thing
got some type of patent on it

thats why i dont put my stories on forums
im afraid someone might steal it
haha nice song very creative!
speaking of songs i have a band and we write all our own music. heres a song one of our songs..and it is copywrited so don't even think about stealing it! ;)

Finally Forgotten
-Pure Intention-


Why do I wait now?
Why do I wait now?

Can you repeat this
How long I've been waiting
I won't know you since i can't see you
Believe it

And down where we watch you
around me you follw
And still I don't know you
Ans still I can't know you

Watch me
Watch you
Knnow me
Do you?

Why do you wait now?
Why do you wait now?

Why don't you know me
I know you completly
Devotedly heartbroken
Now finally forgot (and)



Watch me
Watch you
Know me
Do you?

Why don't you know me
I know you completly
Devotedly heartbrokedn
Now finally forgot (and)

(Chorus 2x)

haha thats it..hope you liked it, you really have to hear it though..and remember IT'S COPYWRITED!!
Now comon have a bit more faith in us!! we arent thievses! by the by I like your song but what is up with the yellow sneakers????