A Thread Actually Worth Posting On


New member

I hope you don't think me rude by the title of my thread. It's not meant to be. I'm only declaring that this will hopefully be a thread or blog or whatever you wish to call it, one that is worth reading and posting on. Please do not waste space with such topics like "What are you listening to?" or "What are you wearing?" or anything ridiculously boring such as these examples. If yoare easily offended polictially, by racism, religiously, personally, physically, mentally, or all of the above, I think it's safe to say that you are wasting your precious time(which we have so little of on earth....). But please don't let that scare you away, for this could be quite an enjoyable adventure for you. You=Person Seeking Relief From Boredom. Although, perhaps this will become your fun past time not just a remedy for boredom. Now don't think that I'm going to attempt to purposely offend any one of you. I'm only saying that serious topics will be discussed in this forum which some may be publically offending. For instance, I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ and I believe in sharing and discussing the good news. But that does not mean that I am not perfectly open for debate and discussion about life and religions themselves. On the contrary, feel free to argue with me. That's right you have freedom here to discuss issues. Now I have said all of that to say this: I invite all of you users who are tired of all the boring gossip, pointless comparisons, ridiculous questions, and absolutely lame, nerdy, creepy, weird, and immature games to post questions and answers and discuss the topics of the real world but also the ones of the delightful fantasy that we all love to escape to. I believe that is why we read books: to escape from the boring or hard world and experience a perfect fairytale that one can only dream of.

Now the first topic of this forum is going to be....let me see.... oh how about an old time favorite Narnia! But specifically how The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe relates to Christianity. For example, how Aslan the Lion is comparable in book 2 to Jesus. You see the way is died for Edmund is very similar to how Jesus died for us to be saved from a real death. Of course, we all must die physically but Jesus died so that we wouldn't have to die spiritually. And not only did he die for our salvation but to rekindle a relationship with the Father which was lost on that sad day in the Garden of Eden. But you don't have to be sad any longer. Rejoice for you are a new creation! Just accept and believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each had a hand in creation. But really the Trinity is but one God and only one. But God is a complex being, one that our simple human minds cannot fully understand because we are only like God, but we are not God. Like angels, we are created beings created to worship God, who is perfect, holy, omni-present, omni-powerful, and all-knowing, and God has been here forever. He was here before the creation of time and will be here after the end of time. Wow what a great issue I have brought up. Now you may discuss this or feel free to bring up others. I will permit discussions about politics or anything else you feel lead to talk about. Or if you have questions or comments don't be afraid to message me or simply post here for the public to discuss.

A little more formally, Who do you think would be the best choice for president? Or even better, who do think will win the presidental election?

Thank for your time and God bless!

I'm a little confused about the purpose of this thread. Here at TDL, we usually like to make one thread for each topic, so when you post in a thread, you know you are posting about one thing. If you would like to talk about how Narnia relates to Christianity, that's great. Another topic should be discussed in another thread. (However, I was under the impression that political subjects are usually forbidden from discussion here. Now don't get me wrong, I think it would be cool to talk about presidential elections, too. But it seems the mods have decided these topics are off-limits.)
Oh really, I wasn't aware of that. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your post. But it is so hard to stay on one subject dont you think? But either way.. I dont want to start all conversation, I think that everyone should bring their fair share to the table. And the reason for this thread was to get away from all the pointless other ones. Something for people that want something worth talking about, not that rules out fantasy. I just don't want it to be boring you see. Ah well, Merry Christmas!