Adela... "The Princes' Servant."


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Adela... "The Prince's Servant."

I decided to post this one story of mine as a separate story, not in my "Just Writing" thread where I normally post my stories and tidbits. I am not 100% sure about the title, but it is about a servant girl named Adela...and a Prince....I hopefully will update it as much as I can.

Here is the beginning of Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Adela stood beside the thrones waiting for a order. The little servant girl twisted the edges of the dresses sleeves nervously through her fingers. She had just received the dress after being taken from off of the street to be one of the servants in the palace. She had always dreamed of going into the palace, but never serving the Royal Family, especially as a eight year-old girl.
“Just do as your told, and do it immediately.” Aetha, the woman who stood beside of Adela, told her.
The child nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” She whispered in reply, shifted from one foot to the other.
A door at the back of the room opened and the Royal family walked through it. First King Amadeous, then his wife, Queen Shadiya, and last was the Prince, Alastair. The three sat down on their thrones, before anything was spoken.
“Aetha, I see you found a servant girl.” Queen Shadiya spoke, her soft blue eyes rested on Adela, not on Aetha.
“Yes, Your Highness.” Aetha nodded, and pushed Adela towards the thrones. “Go only a few steps, child.” She whispered.
Queen Shadiya rose from her throne, walked down the three steps to the floor, and stopped in front of Adela. “What is your name child?” Shadiya asked.
“Adela, Your Highness.” Adela replied, she noticed the Prince, who sat on still sat on his throne, was watching her. It made her more nervous.
“Adela.” The Queen repeated. “Such a lovely name.” Shadiya touched Adela’s blond hair, and examined her hands. “So small.” She commented, running her fingers over the back of Adela’s right hand. “You will be fine, the older girls can do what you can not.” She turned Adela’s hand over. “What happened here?” Shadiya asked pointing at a scar that ran diagonally across Adela’s palm, from her pinky down to her wrist.
“(Glass), Your Highness. It cut me.” Was all the girl said as explanation. Her father had taken a piece of (glass), from a bowl, Adela had accidentally broken, and as punishment cut along his daughters hand. Adela’s older sister had stopped the bleeding, and bandaged her hand.
“That is terrible.” Shadiya ran her finger down the scar. “I am sorry.”
Adela was shocked at the words and looked up at the Queen, she had sorrow in her eyes. “It is all right, Highness.” Adela whispered.
Shadiya dropped Adela’s hand then, and smiled at the girl. “You’ll do wonderfully.” She said before turning and going back to her throne.
Adela returned to standing beside Aetha, her gaze stayed on the Queen the entire time they stood.

Adela had been serving in the Palace for a week, working in the kitchen, and doing whatever was asked of her, when she first met General Botolf. The General was coming to speak with the King, Adela did not know what about. She just knew that when the General arrived she was suppose to lead him to the Throne room. “General Botolf.” Simon, one of the door tenders, greeted the man bowing his head. “Adela, will lead you to the Throne room.” The young boy nodded towards Adela who stood a few feet away.
General Botolf laughed when he saw her. “Such a puny girl.” He shook his head as if to say ‘weakling‘. “King Amadeous has such small servants.” He commented to himself. “Go on.” He waved his hands towards Adela when she didn‘t move. “If your legs can carry you that far.” He added, when Adela turned around and headed towards the Throne room.
Adela lead Botolf through the hallways, she didn’t let his comments bother her. She was small, only eight years-old, so what he said was true. Adela stepped into the throne room. “General Botolf, Your Majesty.” She said to the King and stepped to the side to let the General in side the room.
“You need to get bigger servants, Your Majesty.” General Botolf said after bowing to the King. “I almost stepped on the girl several times on the way here.” He said.
“That’s none of your concern, Boltof.” King Amadeous told his General. “You may go, Adela.” He then spoke to Adela. “Thank you.” He nodded at the child who left them.
“Adela.” The servant turned at the sound of her name again. Prince Alastair was walking towards her. “I need you to do me a favor.” He said when he got to her.
“Y-yes, Your Majesty.” Adela stuttered, not lifting her eyes to look at the prince. He was two years older than her, at the age of ten, and good looking.
“You don’t have to call me that. I would prefer you call me my name.” Alastair told her.
“Is that what you wanted?” Adela asked, she was always nervous around the Prince. He seemed to watch her whenever she was in the throne room, and it made her feel like something was wrong wit her.
Alastair laughed. “No.” He shook his head. “I need you to take a request for a sword to the silver smith in town. I would but I have to go with guards.” He sighed. “And that is just too much trouble. You would help a lot if you could go.” The Prince looked at her, pleading.
“I can not say no, you are my master, I do what is asked of me.” Adela replied looking up at the prince. “I will do it.” She nodded.
Alastair seemed bothered at her words. “You do not have to if you have something else to do for my Father or Mother.” He told her.
“No, I do not, yet.” Adela didn’t like the look he had on his face. “Where is the order?” She held out her hand, the one without the scar. “I will take it now.”
Alastair placed the piece of rolled up parchment in her hand. “Shiar, will go with you.” Alastair called the servant boy to him. “Thank you, Adela.” He smiled at her.
Adela nodded and rushed to go do as he asked, Shiar with her.
Alastair looked after the girl, he hadn’t liked the sound of the title “master” Adela had given him. He had specifically wanted her to carry out the order to the silver smith, simply so he could talk with her. The girl had interested him ever since she had come to the Palace a week earlier. He had never felt this way towards a slave, or servant of his parents. He wasn’t even sure what he felt. The Prince turned and headed out to the stables.
Adela stood in front of the silver smith, feeling very small, and fragile standing before the large man and his tools. The big man held the Princes’ message in between his blackened hands, and was reading it. “Tell the Prince I will have it sent to the castle by the end of the week.” The man told her, rolling up the message and placing it in his apron.
Adela nodded. “End of the week.” She repeated, before bowing her head to the man and heading back to the castle with Shiar. She walked as fast as she could, not liking being in the busy city that she use to scrounge around in, with her sister. “Hurry up, Shiar.” She wrapped her cloak around herself and walked faster. Once she was behind the castles walls she let out her breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding.

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Are we to understand that palace employees just walked up to a child at random on the street, and without waiting to find out anything about her they immediately abducted her to the palace to put her to work? I would call this a rough break for your heroine--except that what you showed of her father indicates that she's better off where she is, EVEN IF she was literally kidnapped into it.
Thanks! I will try to update it asap. Copperfox pointed something out to me that I need to fix so...I will get soething up when I can.
My computer is being looked at, due to I accidentally wiped out the system...I hopefully will get it back (and all my documents and stuff) by Sunday!
I liked what I've read. Just a thought: I see that you had "glass" in parenthesis, I suppose this is because you thought that it might not fit the era of the story? Well, you could use a sharp piece of clay or a piece of china. Personally I think that glass is alright. But if you want to change it, those are my thougts.

Also, what Copperfox says makes sense, but if such was always the case in your kingdom, no one would really see anything wrong with it. They may not like it much, but if that's what they've always done...
I liked what I've read. Just a thought: I see that you had "glass" in parenthesis, I suppose this is because you thought that it might not fit the era of the story? Well, you could use a sharp piece of clay or a piece of china. Personally I think that glass is alright. But if you want to change it, those are my thougts.

Also, what Copperfox says makes sense, but if such was always the case in your kingdom, no one would really see anything wrong with it. They may not like it much, but if that's what they've always done...
Thanks Lossy! :) Yes that's why I had glass in parenthesis. Thanks for the advice. :)