an interesting fact...

lady liln

New member
just in case anyone ever asks for proof that narnia's real...

ok, so i didn't know where to post this...but i saw "randomness" listed under "the land of the duffers," so i suppose that'll work. :)

anyway, i saw this thing on the discovery channel a week or 2 ago. they discovered skeletons of some much smaller than average people on the island of flores in indonesia. carbon-14 dating shows the bones to be thousands of years old; however, carbon-14 dating also showed a live mollusk to have been dead for 3,000 years, so i don't think much of that. this discovery is supposed to be some great mystery and they think it must be some overlooked link in evolution. (silly scientists :p) they're referring to it as a "human hobbit" and they can't figure it out b/c the brain cavity seems to be similar to modern microcephalic humans, but there's something different in the structure of the teeth.

here's an article on .


if you remember, the telmarines entered narnia through a cave on an island in the south sea and were allowed to return in prince caspian. "south sea" refers to the south pacific and is usually presumed to be the area surrounding polynesia, etc....HOWEVER...flores is definitely below the equator, making its location in the southern part of the pacific.

so...if some of the descendants of those telmarines who had intermarried with dwarves chose to go back through that portal with their families....they would have ended up on that see what i'm getting at??

i just thought some of you might find that amusing. :D
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Well, that's a fun fancy, but I don't think even Lewis would stretch things that far. What I find interesting is that it's more evidence that "modern science" doesn't know as much as it likes to pretend that it does. "Little people" are part of the legend framework of every culture in history, yet the rationalists of the 19th century simply pronounced that there were no such people, and so everyone just took that line, since they were the "educated experts".

Another thing I find interesting is that there's another consistent thread in ancient legends: giants. Of course, the rationalists tell us that they don't exist, either, but I have a book on my shelf that gives an interesting account. It's an autobiographical book by a man who immigrated to America in the early 1900s. It's simply a delightful tale of this man adapting to his new life, but in the middle of it he tells a story that he'd kept secret his entire life. Back in the Old Country, which was Georgia (southern belly of Russia - Caspian Sea region), he and a friend had gone swimming in a waterfall pool as young men. They'd swum up behind the waterfall and found a cave. Lacking light sources, they were only able to go a little way into the cave, but they went far enough to find several bones (or "skulletons", as the man called them). These bones were humanoid, but inordinately large, including a skull with eye sockets large enough to put their fists in. They were impressed and frightened, and left the area. Neither one spoke of the incident until the man wrote his book.

It's tempting to dismiss this as a tale the lads invented to impress others and garner attention, but if it was, they sure went about it oddly: not mentioning the incident to anyone for years. Also, these bones were in open air in a wet cave, so they couldn't have been fossilized, and they also would have had to be relatively recent (i.e. less than a century old). Let's see the rationalists explain that.

The book is called Anything Can Happen, by George and Helen Papashvily.
PrinceOfTheWest said:
Well, that's a fun fancy, but I don't think even Lewis would stretch things that far. What I find interesting is that it's more evidence that "modern science" doesn't know as much as it likes to pretend that it does. "Little people" are part of the legend framework of every culture in history, yet the rationalists of the 19th century simply pronounced that there were no such people, and so everyone just took that line, since they were the "educated experts".

i know. :) i just thought it was amusing.

PrinceOfTheWest said:
It's tempting to dismiss this as a tale the lads invented to impress others and garner attention, but if it was, they sure went about it oddly: not mentioning the incident to anyone for years. Also, these bones were in open air in a wet cave, so they couldn't have been fossilized, and they also would have had to be relatively recent (i.e. less than a century old). Let's see the rationalists explain that.

they would come up with some completely absurd explanation that somehow makes sense to them, and many people would accept it and believe it just b/c they're scientists--they're supposed to be "smart." i saw another discovery channel show a while back where they explained that the wall of jericho was simply knocked down by the sound of the trumpets. they "proved" this by setting up a little brick wall (that was about 1 brick thick and probably no taller than the average guy) in front of this massive horn (they had to leave the extremely thick-walled room where there was no way for the sound to escape b/c being in there with that thing would pretty much make your head explode--literally). well, a little noise from that horn and the little wall crumbled. and that's supposed to be acceptable proof. :p
I love unexplained things. Mysteries, or just things that are too old to correctly account for.

About the little people in indonesia. I saw somehting on that too. And they went to a nearby village to see if the trait ( they hypothesised that they weren't actually another step in evolution, but rather a genetically similar group of humans who had defects in height, blah blah blah) was genetic and to see if the skeletons are ancestors of any of the village folk. Turns out that the oldest man in the village was only 1 inch or so taller than the skeletons were. Pretty interesting, eh?
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
About the little people in indonesia. I saw somehting on that too. And they went to a nearby village to see if the trait ( they hypothesised that they weren't actually another step in evolution, but rather a genetically similar group of humans who had defects in height, blah blah blah) was genetic and to see if the skeletons are ancestors of any of the village folk. Turns out that the oldest man in the village was only 1 inch or so taller than the skeletons were. Pretty interesting, eh?

yep! i think he was several inches taller, but it was enough to show that he could very well be a descendant. some of those crazy "experts" still couldn't accept more obvious evidence like that and are still convinced that it's some missing link in evolution. :p if it makes that much sense, it couldn't possibly be true! ha... ...they still couldn't explain the difference in the teeth/jaws though. *shrugs*

Lady Chloe said:
That'd be wicked cool. The only issure is I don't think Aslan would have let them die like that....
let them die like what?
About the little people in indonesia. I saw somehting on that too. And they went to a nearby village to see if the trait ( they hypothesised that they weren't actually another step in evolution, but rather a genetically similar group of humans who had defects in height, blah blah blah) was genetic and to see if the skeletons are ancestors of any of the village folk. Turns out that the oldest man in the village was only 1 inch or so taller than the skeletons were. Pretty interesting, eh?

-Migets. short Migets.

they would come up with some completely absurd explanation that somehow makes sense to them, and many people would accept it and believe it just b/c they're scientists--they're supposed to be "smart." i saw another discovery channel show a while back where they explained that the wall of jericho was simply knocked down by the sound of the trumpets. they "proved" this by setting up a little brick wall (that was about 1 brick thick and probably no taller than the average guy) in front of this massive horn (they had to leave the extremely thick-walled room where there was no way for the sound to escape b/c being in there with that thing would pretty much make your head explode--literally). well, a little noise from that horn and the little wall crumbled. and that's supposed to be acceptable proof.

-The walls of Jerico did NOT actually fall sideways, they just lowered into the ground, like, were buried kinda...
About the dude that found the big skeleton or w/e I don't blame him for not telling anybody. I would freak at the sight of it. lol I wouldn't have even gone in the cave though. But yeah all of that stuff is well *shudders* weird..... lol but I guess to people that like that stuff it is interesting and cool but to me its not
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lady liln said:
ok, so i didn't know where to post this...but i saw "randomness" listed under "the land of the duffers," so i suppose that'll work. :)

anyway, i saw this thing on the discovery channel a week or 2 ago. they discovered skeletons of some much smaller than average people on the island of flores in indonesia. carbon-14 dating shows the bones to be thousands of years old; however, carbon-14 dating also showed a live mollusk to have been dead for 3,000 years, so i don't think much of that. this discovery is supposed to be some great mystery and they think it must be some overlooked link in evolution. (silly scientists :p) they're referring to it as a "human hobbit" and they can't figure it out b/c the brain cavity seems to be similar to modern microcephalic humans, but there's something different in the structure of the teeth.

here's an article on .


if you remember, the telmarines entered narnia through a cave on an island in the south sea and were allowed to return in prince caspian. "south sea" refers to the south pacific and is usually presumed to be the area surrounding polynesia, etc....HOWEVER...flores is definitely below the equator, making its location in the southern part of the pacific.

so...if some of the descendants of those telmarines who had intermarried with dwarves chose to go back through that portal with their families....they would have ended up on that see what i'm getting at??

i just thought some of you might find that amusing. :D
wow! that's an interesting fact! :D
Did you know that for every person on earth, there is one chicken?

For every person there are 18,000,000 bugs?

There are SEEDS in bananas! (check for yerself)