
Señor Puntos

New member
Dude, I see myself as an anarchist, no rules, just hard-rocking. Of course, I don't really understand it that much, but hey, I get the gist of it.

No rules.
Rock on.
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Do you relize what having no rules would be like? For instance...on small scale, if this forum had no rules. Anyone who joined who didn't try to be nice, would make everyone who likes people to be nice go away. There would be better places to go, that had rules to prevent all that. In real life, either the anarchy would be replaced by...some kind of enforced rules...or the nice people would eventually dissapear.

Of course, if the world was perfect, there wouldn't be any mean people, and you wouldn't need rules to prevent bad things from being done. And rules arn't always fair...but you have to live with one or the other. I think I'd rather have the rules!

Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh, ROCKKKKKKK on, dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Let's just say you wouldn't last too long in any place where anarchy reigned freely. You may be the "god" of your own universe, but, then again, everyone else is the "god" of THEIR own universe, and can do whatever they please to you. I can see it now! Everything that is recognizable as being unnatural and wrong would be right, and all that ever was right would become wrong. Good is bad, bad is good. Gang violence would become child's play (the list goes on and on and on and on). Hmm...

Needless to say, there wouldn't be anybody left standing. But, hey, rock on, right?
Curumo said:
Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh, ROCKKKKKKK on, dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Let's just say you wouldn't last too long in any place where anarchy reigned freely. You may be the "god" of your own universe, but, then again, everyone else is the "god" of THEIR own universe, and can do whatever they please to you. I can see it now! Everything that is recognizable as being unnatural and wrong would be right, and all that ever was right would become wrong. Good is bad, bad is good. Gang violence would become child's play (the list goes on and on and on and on). Hmm...

Needless to say, there wouldn't be anybody left standing. But, hey, rock on, right?
You obviously don't really get anarchy do you..... :rolleyes:
Anarchists are insurrectionists against every kind and form of organized government. I don't think when you say you're just rocking, you should use anarchist.
Jimmy Kickarse said:
You obviously don't really get anarchy do you..... :rolleyes:
Methinks you don't get anarchy either. People think anarchy is cool because no rules, no boundries, but they fail to see the chaos that would ensue.

No rules, no laws, nothing to punish those who have seriously harmed another person. Rapists and murders go free. Innocent people are preyed upon and everyone is hurt.

We may not agree with our governments all time, but things are a lot safer for the general public when some form of government is in charge.

But you want to be free of that? Ok, here this is how things will "rock on":
You'll come home and find everything in your house looted, members of your family have been beaten and left for dead. You want someone to do something, but who will step up and aid you? The police? The government? Oh that's right you were for anarchy, now you're paying for it with the blood of those you care about, but rock on dude, rock on.
hmm, Anarchy? I agree that the goverment (at least in America I dont know about other countrys) needs to step out of peoples lives a bit, so sick of them dictating how I will learn, and this that and the other thing. But we have to have rules and people to enforce them. Otherwise *echos Kitana and Curumo and Dernhelm*. There has to be a happy medium..but I doubt anybody will ever find it...of course you could always let me rule the entire world then everything would be good :D
I think anarchy within Punk music is just a stupid trend.......

Anarchy within a Totalitarian (sp?) and Dictating country? Ok.
The ultimate form of government is an ultimate Monarchy, with only one ultimately just ruler: God. Anarchy on Earth would only be playing into Satan's hands. One of the most manifest forms of the ultimate failure of almost-anarchy is the fall of Communist Russia. Communism is very much like anarchy, except one thing: they have a different way of getting there. Anarchy would be ok if humans were perfect, but we're not, so...
Elf_Of_The_Grey_Havens said:
Anarchy would be ok if humans were perfect, but we're not, so...

Well, no, think about what you just wrote here carefully: "anarchy would be ok." It would never be okay, because it implies complete disorder and chaos and no governance. But we wouldn't need rules if we were perfect and hadn't failed at the Garden of Eden. :)

Fortunately, however, Jesus has promised that He is going to return very soon. I believe He is already at the door.
Curumo said:
Fortunately, however, Jesus has promised that He is going to return very soon. I believe He is already at the door.
WHOOT! Amen to that! I could almost hear those trumpets!
This whole anarchy business - what an Ockhamist (Ockhamite?) attitude! Lewis was the greatest 20th century anti-Ockhamist!
This is just hilarious to me: A thread calling together anarchists. A real anarchist would have no use for a forum like this because it is too restrictive, and wouldn't be able to care any less about the opinions of others.

JK, you bluster a lot, but you're too nice a guy (come on, we've all seen it) to be an anarchist. I don't buy that antichrist stuff either. Jesus is way more radical than anything else you've seen, so you ought to just give it up for Him, eh?
Parthian King said:
. Jesus is way more radical than anything else you've seen, so you ought to just give it up for Him, eh?

Tell me about it! All he needed was 12 guys and 2000 years later here we are :cool:

I Love reading about how he used to call the Scribes (is that how you say it in english? I know In Spanish they are called 'Escribas') HYPOCRYTES! The guy had no insecurities whatsoever! Praise his name.
Saying no rules is a good thing is as bad as saying truth is subjective!
By having no rules what little morality we have today crubles into nothing!
I believe some rules are bad,
But most rules help others get along!
God always want us to have rules.
He set up rules for us(Read the bible)!
Also saying "I am the God of my life",
Did Jesus die on the cross just to have us be our own gods?
Curumo said:
Well, no, think about what you just wrote here carefully: "anarchy would be ok." It would never be okay, because it implies complete disorder and chaos and no governance. But we wouldn't need rules if we were perfect and hadn't failed at the Garden of Eden. :)

Fortunately, however, Jesus has promised that He is going to return very soon. I believe He is already at the door.
AMEN! And he is nocking at it too. Katrina was a judjment of God and there are more to come! America better get it's act together before something else happens!