anyone need a sig..?

Fair Olvin

New member
i'll make ya one..just PM me with what you want...and what you want it to say...and ill see what i can do.
most of my stuff so far involves sports..and i'm going to try and learn to do animation..but i can't do it yet...
here is some of my work:




It is okay! Your work is absolutely gorgeous, so we can continue talking knowing it will be moved to the right section. What do you use? Photoshop?
Animation is easy in photoshop ;)
yeah..photoshop...but im a newbie...
i have imageready too..and someone on the sports forum that i do most of my work, said that the animation is done in just haven't played around with it that much
It is very easy. A GIF file won't work in photoshop or image ready. You have to make more pics gif.
I have made a tutorial how to make animations, I will see if I can find it for you ;)
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Here...I post it for you:


1. Click on FILE > OPEN.
3. Click on WINDOW > LAYERS
Now you have choosen a file. Your file will appear in the Animation gallery below your screen.
1. Take a look at your Animation gallery below and you will see buttons that look like the same as on a cd or dvd player. Fast backword, backworth, play, forward and fast forward. These buttons mean the same in this order. From left to the right. Next to the last button of these playing selection buttons, you will see a button which looks a bit like a necklace and next to that one (on the right of course) you will see a button which looks like a square with a small square in it.
2. Press that button.
You will see your pic is doubled. Choose the second frame from left to right. The first frame is always the first pic in order of the animation you want to make. Of course you can always change it later.
Now, you need to choose a new file. But before you choose a new one, take this step:
In the Layer window, you will see your pic and before the pic, you will see an eye.
Click on the first pic in the animation frame, you see the eye in your layer window. Select the second frame, and you also see the eye in the Layer window. Now click on this eye. You see the frame is empty. The first frame is not, but the second frame is. Click again on the eye in the Layer window, the pic is back!! This is the base how the animation will be made.
Choose a new file. DON'T CLOSE THE FIRST ONE!!
You have selected the second frame in the Animation window. Click on the eye in the Layer window till the pic is not visible. Now move your new opened file to the empty layer by using the move tool. Click on the eye in the Layer window. Now you see in your Animation gallery, two files are visible. The first one and the second one. Now you have to press again on the Square button to duplicate the latest frame in the Animation gallery. Select the latest frame that appears after you've done this.
Now you repeat the steps I just have written above. Select File > Open and choose a new pic. Click on the eye of the Third frame in the Layer Window and move your new file to the now empty Layer and click on the eye in the Layer window again. Now you have 3 Animation frames in your Gallery.
Press PLAY> and your Animation is moving! It goes too fast? You will see below each frame the number 0 sec. Click on it and now a window will pop up where you can change the speed. Do this with your other frames as well. Are you satisfied? Now you just made your first Animation!
You want to add text? You can do it the same way you also made your Animations with the files. Or you can write text in a pic. You will see the text appear in the Layer window as a T file. With the text only written. Click on the eye, and you will see the text is disappeared from your file. Or click on the first frame and click on the text eye. Now you see the text also appears on the other file. You can do this at every pic you want. The eye tool makes your files appear and disappear. A very handy and useful tool.
You are happy, now you have to do a few things.
Click on the arrow on the right side of your Animation gallery. It is above in the gallery on the right side.
You must do two things. Choose Optimize Animation and also click on Change frames into layers. Click on OK when a small window will appear after you have clicked on Optimize Animation. Choose: Save for web.
Another window will appear. Now you can recheck your file with the tools on the right side of your screen. Are you satisfied? Choose SAVE above in your right toolbar.
Now you can save your file where you want it to be saved. It will lead you directly to your My Documents folder.
yeah...the other forum i'm on is a video game forum basically..for madden 07...but they talk about sports and there is a forum specifically for photoshop users too...
yes...playing around is much fun...

and i tried using your tutorial in my didnt have 'animations' in the window section...but it was in i'm just gonna use it there...:D

what version of photoshop do you have?
Photoshop 9 cs2. I have figured many things out myself and then I searched for tutorials on google and now I finally think I know how everything works. Oh it could be possible you have animation in image ready. With the cs 2 it was also in photoshop itself. And do you know a lot about photoshop and how it works too now?
not really..ive only begun to play around with it..even though ive had it for like 6 months or so...

i didnt realize how much fun it could be