Are you doing anything for Halloween?


Active member
I don't know if there's a thread like this, but is anyone doing anything for Halloween? Are you dressing up?

If so, feel free to share with us!

I'm having a mini Halloween party with a friend and my sister (hopefully), and today I went shopping with my mum and got a gorgeous witch costume with a little cape thing that goes around your shoulders- I'll post pics up when I take some on the day!
I'm going to my friends halloween party then helping saperoning(sp?) a party for the little kids at my karate school :D
This should be fun trying to keep all the little kids from running on the mats with their shoes on! :D
My friend Case and I are going trick or treating and possibly watching a scary movie.. I'm also going to help her make her costume uber creepy as well. She's gonna be an undead prom queen and her gown still needs to get all mucked up and ruined.. :p