Attention All Willianites-Future Questions are being sent via email

Will and The Narniafans Beanie YOU want to see him in

  • The Pink One like mine and Chloe's

    Votes: 33 31.1%
  • The Blue One like Skandars

    Votes: 33 31.1%
  • The Plain Blue One

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • The Plain Black one

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • The Grey one

    Votes: 15 14.2%

  • Total voters


Queen of all Skandarnites
Knight of the Noble Order
Due to the wonderful success of the Skandar interview, I am going to do a follow up for all you William fans (hoping that Will has forgotten the Coke induced hyper phone call).

This thread is EXCLUSIVELY for posting the questions you want to ask him, how ever random they may be but please check that you are not repeating what someone else has already asked. He seems to like talking about the film so questions about that would be appreciated as well.

Happy Posting and keep it clean.
Yes! lol :D

What age is the youngest girl he'd date and how many girlfriends has he had...if that's not too personal...

BTW Rogue...are you sure he'll answer the know, after last time jkjk ;)
What's your favorite movie?
Do u have any pets?
Who's your best friend?
Do u like country music?
Dou have anything other than myspace? (im not allowed to have myspace)
what size shoe do u wear?
If u ever came to texas, r u a longhorn or aggie? (Hook em horns!!!!!)
Have u ever been to Texas?
Do u dance?
If u could live in any other country, what would it be?
Do u like Harry Potter?
Have u ever met any big time actors other than the ones u worked with?
What's your favorite hair style?
Are u a momma's boy or daddy's man?
Tell him i said hi!!!!! (My name is Kendall from Rockport, Texas)
Is it weird to have like complete strangers come up to you and ask you for your autograph? When is your birthday cuz there is a lot of dates. What was your fav. scene in the LWW movie?? How did you feel when you found out that you got the part?!?!?!
lol all of these questions are nuts!!!!! :D

1. what's your favorite animal?
2. what's your favorite breed? <(if it is a horse or dog ask this one)
3. can you sing good? (lol :D)

i think it said on his site that he loves horses but still you can never be too sure cause i'm sure a lot of those sites have false information
Well, first of all, I'd like to give some praise to Rogue here for actually arranging an interview with Will! :D

Here are my questions:
1)What's your religion?
2)What did you enjoy most about being in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? The least?
3)What are your favorite bands?
4)Do you have any pets?
5)What is your plan for the future after you finish acting in the Narnia films?
6)What's your favorite subject in school?
7)What's your favorite book?
8)Do you or any of your fellow castmates have MySpace and if so, then could you give us the URLs?
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:rolleyes: You guys need to get with the programme, will_is _my_man1234 is the only person who seems to be original and at times seems to be funny :D which is good Im sure Will would like. Im no Will fan but

My questions would be

1) What is your favourite Chat up Line? (Cheesy but not to pressing in his personal life)

2) What other party tricks besides juggling can you do?

3) How did you feel about the Hair-cut Andrew Adamson gave you for the film, would you trust him again with your hair? :p
whats with the leather jacet you always wear.

do you remember the autograph to the willianites and did you know you spelt it wrong

do you know who i am? <insert a breif description here> haha you dont have to do that one.
Guys, I've just spoken to Will on the phone and we're going to do the interview on THIS SATURDAY in the afternoon. So get your questions in as SOON as possible and we need to hurry up the voting on the hats.
ok I've got some more. Hope they don't sound stupid :eek:
1. Do you like 70s music? If so whats your favorite song(from the 70s lol :p)
2. Do you like scary movies?
and if you missed it the 1st time
3. Do you have a myspace?
1) Does Georgie have a myspace?
2) Do you speak any foreign languages? (please say French!)
3) What country would you like to visit that you haven't already visited?
4) What is your favourite country that you have already visited/live in?
I've got some

1) Did you really show off your electric razor during filming? :D
2) Do you still see the cast?
3) Are you looking forward to filming Prince Caspian?
4) Do you think Skandar has changed at all?
5) Are you in college? If so, what are you studying.

I'll try to think up somemore.
1. Is there any type of role that you would without a doubt refuse to play?

2. Is it wierd knowing that there are people who know tons about you yet you really know nothing about them? (sidenote: Heh that would freak me out)

3. What's your general opinion on fangirls?

4. Have you ever googled yourself?

voted pink...That'd be entertaining to see.
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~Rogue~ said:
Guys, I've just spoken to Will on the phone and we're going to do the interview on THIS SATURDAY in the afternoon. So get your questions in as SOON as possible and we need to hurry up the voting on the hats.

You spoke to my future husband on the phone *sobs* Ok, I'll try to give ORIGINAL and FUNNY questions. Wow, Saturday. Ahem....more questions...

Oh, and Will is NOT A PRETTY BOY! Not many guys can pull off pink lol. And I may have repeated some of the questions, bash me on the head if I do.

1) Was it weird seeing the people playing the cantaurs and Mr Tumnus etc wearing green trousers? (say trousers, not pants, he's British lol)
2) After Narnia, are you going to act professionally?
3) Do you like cookies? (joking, joking...)
4) Do you read books? If you do, what sort do you prefer?
5) Favourite authors/authoresses??
6) Favourite movie

Ok, some of them are lame, but what can I do??
I know that I am not a Willinite but....

1. Did you ever have any intrest in Anna? If he answers no :D If he answers yes :mad:
2. Where did you go to acting school?
3. What is your favorite(s) scene in Narnia?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
5. What is your favorite band?
6. Have you ever auditioned for any other movies?

Oh yeah, he needs my number to give to Anna :D
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I have some more questions:

1) Do you play any instruments? If yes, then which ones?
2) What is your favourite instrument?
3) Do Georgie or Anna play any instruments?
4) Does Skandar play any instruments other than flute and cornet? Would he like to try trumpet or piccalo?
5) Do you like soundtracks?
1: What was your favorite scene to shoot in Narnia?
2: Are you considering moving to L.A.?
3: What was your favorite place to shoot the film in?
4: Are you for sure that you are going to act in Prince Caspian?
5: What is your favorite color hair on a girl?
6: Are you planing on acting in a different movie soon?
7: What school do you go to?

There are some questions that i really want to know.. gosh i have a lot more but i just can't think about what they are right now.. TO MUCH PRESSURE!! lol