August Rush, Who saw it? who loved it?


New member
Sooo I saw August Rush over Thanksgiving break! I seriously loved it! the acting, music and story was amazing!!
Did anyone else like it this much?

wow..I haven't been on here for a loooong time!
sorry if there is already a thread for this! :)
The music is phenominal and the story line and cinematography are awesome. The thing that were wrong with is there was cussing and though nothing is shown, August is the result of a one night stand.
omgosh... plain and simple! i loved that movie... i would have rented it just for the music, but the acting was amazing and the story was extremely sweet! awww! i loved it!!!

is there anyone who didn't like?

if you're not a huge fan of music and love it to death you might find this movie a bit unrealistic, but w/e! for us music lovers it soooo could happen ;) lol!
I adored this film, one of the best I've seen this year. Freddie Highmore is fabulous, no? :D And of course the music was amazing.

Hey, like jesusfreak said, it may be unrealistic for people who don't love music, but I do and I thought it was really sweet.