BBC vs Disney/Walden Media vs Animated

Have you seen the *Animated* LWW?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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Which do ou guys think is thebest?

I havent seen the animated one yet but I just finished the BBC version. I dont understand how people can compare it to the new one. The new one beats it in nearly every aspact imaginable.

How about this. We will grade them both (BBC and new one)

<---BBC ||Aspect(Points out of)|| 2005 Version---->
9||Closeness to book(10)||7




Animations: - 50
Human animals: -25
Animatronic Aslan:-200000
Corniness: -100
Flying Aslan:-50

Gree Screen(obvious):-25
Sword Lifting Corniness:-30

Overall I just dont see how they compare at all. The only way BBC is better is when people are biased because they grew up with that version and are just lost in nostalgia. BBC version is just CORNY. Ther e is a reason they waited to make LotR until recently. It is because there wasnt the visual effects to use until recently. In the BBC version Jadis just tried to hard to be scary. In reality she was really freaky but not in a scary way she was freaky(weird). She raided her voice to try to seem evil. In the new one jadis was MUCH better. My sister said that she was much more scary than teBBC witch. She also made apoint where satan(or any demonic force for that matter) seems nice when they only plan evil and deception. The new WW playedthat part out much more than te overenthusiastic BBC witch. Not to mention the BBC death was just corny. Also I think that Aslan as an animatronic is just a disgrace. The new version gave him justice by making him seem REAL. Also the BBC roar was very weak. The new roar gave me chills. When the old Aslan talked it justmoved its mouth the new one actually looked like it was saying the words in sync. The peopel playing the animals was alsoVERY corny. I thought that the beavers looked like fat bowling pins with limbs, a tail , and a face (not to mentionyou could tell they had golves with clwas at the end on and you fould tell that they had a head piece and abody piece on.)

Worst of all was the animation inthe BBC version. Those are just the quintessence of corny. In the battle tehre werelike 50 TOTAL things involved. The new battle scene is AMAZING.

Just overall BBC is no comparison to the new version. If youlike it more then fine. I just think that honestly if you think BBC is better you need to look at what is actually better.

Music, some peoplesayBBC music score is better. Me and my sister agree that the new one's music is AMAZING

True to book, most people say they like it because it is more true to the book. These are MOVIES not books. They are supossed to be similar but it isnt word for word exactly the samethen it doesnt make it a horrible movie. If you ask which is the better adaptation of the book it is BBC but the new one is true to the book as well.

More magical, I dont see how it would be more magical. I dontsee how stuffed animal, animated creatures, steamy entrance in narnia and other things make for magical My sister and I agree that the new one is more magical in everything that happens.

In conclusion those are the main things i see when people say BBC is better. The only reasonable conclusion is that peopel just like BBC becase it came first. Nostalgia. I am sure that youg uys would like the new one better if it came first. The peple who love bBC are biased because after they fell in love with BBC they wouldnt like any other LWW no matter how good it would be

Thatis just my opinion on it. I dont mean to offend anyone by this. It just is it annoys me to see how people just are so biasedon loving BBC due to nostalgia. I actually saw BBC first(when i was really little.). Even though I dont remember it much. It may seem like i was biased but i was honest in my review.

I accidently posted this...Imeant to make it a poll.

(Note:Sorry for typos and spacing mistakes. Typing without a thumb throws off my rhythem in typing)
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I agree with Iamnotjustdreaming on two accounts. The first being that the new film is far superior to the old one, for the reasons that were stated.

The second point I agree on is that some people will be biased and prefer the BBC just because they grew up with them. I have to admit that is somewhat true for me!! I still prefer the new film, but there are aspects from the old film I thought were better, and it will always be my favourite LWW even if the new film is alot better...
What happened to the original thread of the BBC Vs. new film?

Anyway, your scoring was a bit confusing to me...

I am one that likes the BBC better simplier for the fact that it is A LOT closer to the book. The new one leaves a lot of stuff out and adds things in that don't need to be there (i.e. these new characters).

Although I will say I liked Mr. Thumnus' theme better in this new one.

The new one is the better MOVIE though. Changing things from the book so it isnt word-for-word straight from the book is one of the things that makes the new one so great. It also is more magical. It found the medium between sticking close to the book and making changes to make it form into the big screen mold. There are more important things to a movie than just sticking with the book.
The new one is better because of the quality and the technology. Both had very good acting, well most of the acting was good in the BBC version. But BBC stuck really close to the book. However, I do like the changes/additions to the new one. Before the new one, I thought that the BBC version was great. But now that new technology can accomplish just about anything, duh! the New one is the best! I'm sorry, I tend to ramble on. I need to stop now. I probably don't make any sense at all. *sighs*
I was really little when I saw the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe on tv. I don't even know if it was the BBC version that you guys are talking about I remember it was on the Disney channel, does that ring a bell. I also remember it being an animated film that kind of bored me to death except...for the parts where Lucy enters Narnia and the Stone Table scene I thought that was just sad. I recently went to see the movie and I was totally blown away. I loved the acting, the effects, Aslan EVERYTHING was just so amazing. If I were to pick, I would say the new movie although the old one is kind of representative of my childhood memories.
I love both versions of LWW, although I love the music more in the BBC version. Of cousrse the special effects in the new movie are much better but I suppose I am one of those ppl who will always love the BBC version as I grew up with it lol. Not to take anything away from the new movie though as that is great too!!
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Deep_Magic said:
I love both versions of LWW, although I love the music more in the BBC version. Of cousrse the special effects in the new movie are much better but I suppose I am one of those ppl who will always love the BBC version as I grew up with it lol. Not to take anything away from the new movie though as that is great too!!

I agree! I love the BBC version b/c of it's nostolgia value since I remeber seeing it long ago, however I think that the new one will be remembered better simply b/c it was a more "complete" version. It is the realization of what money and special effects can do for the film. The BBC version was great for a version that had a small budget with little special effects technology. :)
well, i can say that i love both of the films, the actors were great, but if i were to chose between the two, i would chose the old one, the bbc version,
because, there is just something from it that captures my feelings, i, actually cant explain it, but of course, the new one is good, when it comes to the effects and everything,
but really weird, i really wish they capture the same emotions that i have felt when i first watch the bbc of LWW.
i grew up with the old ones.. but still

i grew up watching the old BBC versions, my mom even gave me them on dvd last year for Christmas.. but i know the only reason why i watched those versions was because they were the only ones available. i am so glad they finally have the technology to make a good version of the books!!

in the old ones, the girl who played lucy really bothered me for some reason. she never bothered me in the books so i think it was just the acting. i did like how they stuck so close to the books and didn't change things around like the new one... and the white witch was horrible in the old ones. she was way too overdramatic.

i love the new one, it sometimes bothered me when it didnt stay as close to the book (and they dragged on susan not wanting to be in narnia for way too long..) but the graphics were way better and so was the acting. any parts they changed from the book, they at least stayed true to the characters and thats what i liked about it. i hope they make the rest of the books into movies too.
Here I must put in a plug for the animated version done by CTW.

The resurrection scene was breathtaking. The music was mesmerizing. And you get to see Aslan shower the girls with love. As he walks the flowers spring beneath his paws. When I think of the resurrection theme and how well they handled it, I get teary-eyed.

I get the general impression that very few of you are familiar with that version. There seems to be a BBC vs. Walden mindset here. But it was the animated film that brought me to the books, and by extension, here at last.

So, in a way, it was like a first love. One never forgets a first love.
I love the new movie, but I love the BBC version a whole lot more. I did grow up with the LWW version, but I did not see the rest of the series until a few years ago, and I still loved them. I will agree that WM versions has better special effects and a very good Lucy, but the BBC version was so much closer to the books. I also think the Professor and the White Witch were much better in the BBC version, but that is my personal opinion.

Iamnotjustdreaming, thank you for starting this topic so everyone can discuss which version they prefer. You are certainly entitled to your opinion that the WM movie is better, but I disagree in the way you seem to expect everyone else to think the same. There will always be disagreement on this subject, I believe.
sailndwntrder said:
in the old ones, the girl who played lucy really bothered me for some reason. she never bothered me in the books so i think it was just the acting.

I am new here, so I may get berated for this, but for me it was the looks of her that bothered me! I don't remember if I ever saw the BBC version before. I do have faint memories of the cartoon version. Still, the poor girls overbite reminded me of a can opener. I just couldn't get past that. Plus, she looked to big (grown) for the part. Lucy in the theatrical release looked the part of young and innocent. Lucy in BBC just seemed like the schoolyard bully. Oh well, delving into Silver Chair today. Wish me luck!
I dont expect everyone to have the same opinion as me. Basically everyone has said the same thing as me. The new one is the better MOVIE. There is a difference between liking a movie better and the movie actually being better.

Everyone has said that the new one has better effects and stuff. Most people have said that they liket i because they grew up with it, this doenst mean it is a better movie. Also people have said that it was better because it stayed closer to the book. That doesnt make a movie better it just makes it a better adaptation of the book. Just judge the movies without relating it to the book.

Anyways, I dont see why everyone likes the music in the BBC version so much. Me and my sister both think that the new one's music is MUCH better.

The acting in the old one I also didnt like. I liked the older caspian in Voyage of the Dawn Treader but Lucy was annoying and the younger Caspian was annoying.

I just honestly think that most of the people who like the old one just are biased because they saw it first and are blinded by nostalgia. It is just the new one is so much better in every aspect. During the BBC version I just couldnt stop laughing from how corny it was. The animatronic Aslan, the animated creatures, the overenthusiastic witch just ruined the movie for me.

I don't mean to offend anyone and it is fine if you like the BBC version better. I just think that the new one is better...and it is the better movie. Just because it is the better movie doesnt mean you have to like it. Just when you watch them both without any biased opinions it is clear that the new one is better.

THe BBC version was good for when it was made and the budget it was on. That doesn't make the movie better though. I just makes it a greater accomplishment for those who made the movie.

Have a good day all.
You didn't offend me, not much can, really. I hope I didn't offend you(I have been known to unwittingly hurt someone elses feelings by stating my own opinion. Maybe its the way I put things. . .)

I can agree with you that the new movie is better made.

I disagree that movies don't have to be like the book, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

And about the music, I liked all of it in the new one except for the one where they're playing hide and seek. I like the music from BBC a lot too, tho I never really thought of it as exceptionally good. Its fine that you like the music from WM better, but you don't have to keep on saying it.

Probably the biggest reason why I didn't enjoy the new movie quite so much is that it was so rushed.

And I'd like to comment on your definition of a "better movie." I always take that to mean the more enjoyable one or something like that. Maybe if you could say "better made movie" because in your first post I misunderstood what you were saying. So I apologize for assuming you meant "no one in their right minds could like the BBC movies as much or more than the new one."

I don't know if that last paragraph makes sense or not. . .

Anyway, you like the new one more, I like the old one more. Cool. Now can we all discuss what we liked best about both? Or do we need to start a new thread for that particular topic?
heres my opinion of the bbc version:it sucked compared to the latest the lion,the witch,and the wardrobe.ok the old lucy's teeth were horrible and aslan didnt have the same affect as he does in this new version.He was this odd looking robot!.i have no opinion about the animated 1 cause i havent seen it.