Bond. [Insert name here] Bond/Darth_____

OK you know in all those James Bond movies he goes like

Bond. James Bond.

This is a thread where you take out the "James" and add something of your own. Also add an action and/or phrase that person would do. Like Darth Vader, he would take out his Light Saber, or would say "Join the Dark Side" Then the next person would have to react to that. Like it would be -Bond. Anakin Bond.- *Duels Vader with lightsaber* Here goes

Bond. Darth Vader Bond.

*Pulls out light saber*

Yeah its stupid, but hey - I WAS BORED!

EDIT: New game kinda-sorta merged with this one! It is named "Darth _____" Make a name for Darth Vader and a phrase/action to match it! Example: I am Darth.....Darth! "I AM your cousins sisters brothers aunts twice removed uncles mailmans dog! FEEL THE WRATH OF MY BARK!"
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Harhar John. We can always rely on John to crack a funny pun, and burn our eyes out.
Names Bond. Fender Bond.
Okay not funny.
The name is Blond. James Blond. And I, like, have a license to kill--you know what I mean?
Bond. Government Bond. Hand over your money. I'll use it for 20 years and then return it with a trifle more. Not as good as you could have gotten speculating in baseball cards, but - I'm the Government.