Brother Bear

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Just read it....good thing I was already half disenchanted with this site anyway.

well, I can honestly say that if they make these changes to any other section(s) I won't be around....

but they're the mods and we're the members. I don't know if you've ever been there, but there's a forum I'm on at:\forum. I don't RP on there any but they have some RPGs. My username is ~PetraKenobi~. :) if you want to join, that is. lol.
I'll still get on...but youtube is like way funner for me...especially with no more of these rps here...nothing to really make me stay besides my friends.

I might just come around to there Aravis.
someone asked about Proffesors writing club
and Es said no,
they weren't going to change that.
otherwise I would be closer to actually leaving
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