C.S Lewis Narrating idea ( petition )

Narnia's #1 fan

New member
hey everybody
some time ago i made the thread "visions of how the last battle should end"
and i said that i would try to make some sort of petition or something, or just see how others think of my idea.
My idea is this: at the end of the LAST BATTLE the final paragraph is C.S Lewis narrating all of this

" and as he spoke, he no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that happened after that were so great and beautiful that i cannot write them.
And as for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them, it was only the beggining of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter one of the great story which no one on Earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before"

personally i think these words are some of the most ( if not THE most ) poetic, powerful, and beautiful words in the entire series. And even though all the rest of the movies won't have a narrator, i think these final words deserve to be heard in the film. Someone with an older, yet kind and powerful viose should say them. ( Ian Mckellan, i don't know...ANYBODY, and im up for suggestions ) but think of it this way...
"It would make C.S Lewis" proud for us to hear these enchanting, and final words to his masterpiece.

I think it's worth a shot, and if this thread grows enough, who knows. IT MAY just catch the attention of the director.
I don't know what you all think, but i think it's worth a shot.
Waddaya say? :D
Its beautiful. Whence I read the book I reread that paragraph again and again, over and over. I still don't have it memorised, though. :p
But.....r we talking if the Last Battle will be made into a movie? Because thats in SOME time.....

SailorSaturn13 said:
Yes, and Susan should say them... but we had it in another thread.

Hardly! Whatever our views on how Susan ended up, at the conclusion of TLB she was still adamant that there was no such person as Aslan, and no such place as Narnia.
Malacandra said:
Hardly! Whatever our views on how Susan ended up, at the conclusion of TLB she was still adamant that there was no such person as Aslan, and no such place as Narnia.

But of course, Susan would read this much, much later, and by then she WOULD believe. It would now be easier to her to believe than not, as that would mean the others live somewhere...

Again read the other thread:
I would actually like to have C.S.Lewis's voice read the last page up toward that last paragraph and then Susan's voice start mixing with his and have his disappear. Then they can show Susan as an old lady reading the last paragraph of "The Last Battle" (the actual book) in present day. This she can be reading to her.. maybe grandchildren. It would be like now as if your grandmum was reading you a bedtime story, if you were young enough. Then the children can question, "Grandmum is there such thing as Narnia?". And she can reply.. something.. something witty yet beautiful.. something hinting to "yes" but never saying yes.. I haven't thought of that for now. But then she could put on a glove and open her hand.. revealing the rings. I think that is how it should end.