Can anyone help me?


New member
hello ... I am currently in the 5th grade and we are reading the Chronicles of Narnia in school, well I was told that I would get a lot of extra credit if I could come up with a list of various plants, animals, and beings which exist in Narnia but not on our planet. And spesificly through out The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. So if any of you happen to know where I can some how come up with a list that meets this criteria it would be greatly apprechiated if you could pass it along my direction.

Thank you

Hi, I don't know a whole lot, but I do know a few. Oh and do you want the actual names or the places to find them? Some of the really obvious ones are the dufflepuds, the dragons, talking mice, sea monsters, a talking lion (lol) and sea people. If you want some from the other books I can tell you where to find them.
Maureen :)
Hey Greg,

Try some of these...
Charnian Witch
Talking beasts - specific examples Reepicheep the Mouse, Aslan the Lion
Fauns - See Mr. Tumnis, LWW
Centaurs - half man half horse
Hag - Witch like creature - see Prince Caspian
Werewolves - see Morgrim and the Queen's secret police, LWW
Dryads and Nyads - Tree people, the spirits of trees
Satyrs - a fox like creature
Merpeople - mermen and mermaids, see LWW
Dwarves - miniture men with beards
Minotaurs - Half man, half bull, see LWW
Renagade Dwarves - See Dr. Cornelius in Prince Caspian
Wood nymphs - similar to Dryads and Nyads
Monopods/Duffers/Dufflepods - See Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Stars - Human stars, see voyage of the Dawn Treader - Remandu and Corriakin

Plants - sea lillies, VofDT
Fireflower - VofDT - induces youth
Juice of the Fireflower - LWW - Lucy's healing cordial
Pheonix - Fire Bird see the Magican's Nephew, in the Garden of Apples
Dragons as well i guess!!

All I can think of at the moment! Hope it helps.

There are sea-people VDT,dragons VDT,centaurs,minotaurs,talking animals (lol) VDT, giants,ogres, dufflepuds VDT,fauns,unicorns,gnomes,dwarfs,dryads,sea monsters VDT.
VDT means they are in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
WWAD (What Would Aslan Do)?

He'd tell you to do your own homework and read the book you have been assigned, making notes as you go along, rather than get a bunch of strangers on a message board to do it for you.

What do they teach them at these schools?
kaleidoscopicdream said:
Hi, I don't know a whole lot, but I do know a few. Oh and do you want the actual names or the places to find them? Some of the really obvious ones are the dufflepuds, the dragons, talking mice, sea monsters, a talking lion (lol) and sea people. If you want some from the other books I can tell you where to find them.
Maureen :)
don't forget the Sea Serpent!