Changing And Rearranging Narnia

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
I know we've talk about differences we want for Narnia film or series. However, this is the discussion about what changes we can speculate or expect filmmakers to do.

First off, I think it comes down to what fans of the books really want in a film adaption. While it's true that fans want a faithful adaption, they're going divided on what that means. One group of fans might want word for word dialogue translate on screen. We can just follow along on the bouncing ball there. For me, I would like a faithful adaption, but not necessarily word for word. The dialogue doesn't have to match 100%. So for Narnia adaptions, some things will have to require changes. So what are they going to have to change? To change or not to change? That is the question.

MN- This is a tough one. They might move the battle of Charn and the Mrs. Lefay Box to the beginning as a prologue, on the lines of The Fellowship of the Ring and the first Hobbit movie, even have Professor Digory Kirke doing a narration in voice-over.

LWW- I am certain they're going have to change the section about Edmund talking himself into walking the White Witch's castle. You can't really do a person thinking out loud on screen.

HHB- This a tough one. Maybe cut out Ahoshta and have Anradin be the one that Aravis would be married off to. It might be that Shasta has to be a slave and Aravis has to be a wife of the same person.

PC- They might move Caspian's backstory to the beginning of the film, and Miraz banishes the Nurse for telling him those stories.

VDT- I'm certain they might change the Dark Island. It's a very difficult one to visualize.

SC- Maybe Trumpkin overhears Eustace and Jill talking about finding the lost prince, and he puts them under house arrest. Then Glimfeather comes to their rescue.

LB- This is a tough one. I'm thinking they may have Jewel or Poggin tie up with Tirian so he could have someone to talk to when he's reflecting on Narnia's past.

So on that note, filmmakers, if you are reading this, do what you can to turn The Chronicles of Narnia into great or good films or series, but do not lose sight of what makes them unique and special in the first place.

Any changes you expect might happen?
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