Chilena Life From a RPG called Homeschooler in high :]

Gentle Voice

Active member
I was about to walk out of the door when I heard my name called out. "Yo, Chil what do you think you're doing?," a male voice asked; I turned around to find out it was my brother Alpang. He is ten months younger than I. We had been adopted by a couple named Havens: Cecilia and Dr. Eric Havens. They took us in because--well, you see, my foster Mum couldn't have children of her own so they thought they should adopt some. I was first to be in the family, then there was Alipang * sigh* then the babies Melody and Harmony. As I was saying, I was about to walk out the door before my brother stopped me. "What is it Al? I need to go before I miss my bus," I told him, crossing my arms. He laughed. "Oh, nothing really, just don't for get your lunch," he told me. I just rolled my eyes at him " Sure, sure, whatever," I told him, in a low voice so only he could hear. I came into the kitchen to grab my lunch for school, when one of the babies came up to me." Chil- Chil don't leave me," she cried, I just sighed and walked out the door.

When I got to my bus stop there was the cutest guy there I had ever seen in my life. " Hm," I said to myself, then he looked up at me with a smile " Hi there," he said, pulling out his hand out to shake mine. " Hi," I said, looking down before I shook his hand.
The way to school

Hours later the bus came to pick us up. "Well, Dan, see you at school," I told him, walking over to my seat next to my best friend Jan. "Oh, wow, he's so cute!," I told her, looking over where Dan was sitting. Jen laughed. "Oh, Dan. Yeah, he is a sweetie; I've known him for a long time now, hm since I was in fifth grade," she told me. My eyes got wide. "No way, you know him!?" I asked, trying to keep cool. " Yeah, his family split up and everything; now he's living with his mum," she told me, with a frown. I looked down at my hands. "Oh, wow, that's really sad," I told her, as I pulled my bag up on my lap.

When we got to the school I ran to my locker to put my things away when Al came up to me. "Hey sweets," he told me, putting his arms around me. "Hey Al," I told him, turning around to face him. He kissed me on the cheek. "What class do you have?" he asked, I looked at my list of classes. "Hm, I think I got Math; why?," I told him, not letting him go. "Just wondering, that's all," he told me, kissing my forehead this time. "Cool, can you walk me to my class?," I asked, taking his hand. He nodded " Sure thing, sweets," he told me.
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Hoo-ee! Rachel/N-Fan, who first created the sorely-missed "Homeschoolers" roleplay, can be proud of what she set in motion; stories based on her concept are becoming an institution!

Welcome to the H-in-H writing stable, Hannah.

Note, all, that if Narnia can be subject to revisions in fan fiction, a seminal roleplay certainly can. In the roleplay, Alipang was barely TWO months younger than Chilena, not ten. But this is Hannah's independent parallel universe of events, and I hope she writes plenty of it.
Day dreaming

When we came to my next class, Alipang gave me one more kiss, ignoring the looks others gave us. "All right, sweets, I'll see you later," he told me, walking away from me. I smiled at him. "All right bye," I told him, slowly opening my class room's door. "Math! Blah," I told myself, with a loud sigh. I took my seat next to my friend Alex. She was writing in her notebook as always. "Hey," I said, pulling my own notebook out of my bag. "Hey, Chil what's skaing?," she asked, with a laugh. I just rolled my eyes " Oh, nothing really, I met the cutest guy at the bus stop today," I told her, with a huge smile on my face. "Name's Dan. He isn't as tough as my brother, because no one is; but he's really nice."

When the teacher came in he told us what to do. I took notes, wishing that I didn't have to do this work at all; can you say yawn? Well I can. I hate Math. My brother, on the other hand, is good at everything; * sigh* I wish I was. Okay, he's not good at ABSOLUTELY everything. I can sing and he can't; oh well, I still love him. He and I talk a lot about everything before we go to bed. We call it our downstairs meetings. I love talking to him. and some times I enjoy watching the babies. Yeah, they can be a little annoying! But hey, I still love them. Oops, anywho, I was still daydreaming about getting out of this class when the bell rang. I ran as fast as I could to my locker. Once again my loving brother came to my side " Hey sweets," he told me, kissing my cheek. I turned around to face him again " Hey there's my little brother would you mind sitting with me in English please?," I asked, with puppy eyes.

"Do I ever say No to you without a good reason?" he answered.
Look who I found?

I laughed. "OK, no, you don't," I told him, hooking my left arm with his. "You're my sister, Chil, I love you no matter what, OK?," he told me, walking me to our next class. When we got there he open the door for me " My lady," he said, with a comical bow. I laughed " Why, thank you, kind sir," I told him, walking into the room.

I stopped short when I saw Dan " Oh, my, he's in the same class; oh, no, what should I do?," I thought, making my grasp tighter on Al's hand. "Oh, sorry Al," I told him, with a frown. Al seemed unsure what I was apologizing for; but my own mind was full of remembering other boys who had turned out no good. Was my brother going to be suspicious of Dan? I took my seat next to Al and Dan I placed my head on my desk. My face was all red. "UGH!," I said, with a loud sigh " Why me?," I said, under my breath so no one could hear.

After the class was over I got up from my desk and ran out of the class room without saying a word to my brother or Dan. I had to get as far away from them as possible. I slid down next to my locker holding my arms close to my chest. I didn't know what I could do now.

But I should have remembered that Al could always find me...and that he would never leave me upset without trying to help. What really surprised me was that he brought Dan along.

I felt Al's hand stroking my hair. "It's all right, Chil, I explained to Dan that I think you're afraid I won't like him. Well, Dan hasn't ticked me off so far; so don't be afraid to be seen with him. It'll all be cool, sweets. Later, Dan;" and I saw Al give Dan a friendly shoulder-pat before he headed for his next class.

"Come on," Dan said to me. "We have to get going too."
What a big fat mess this is

Wednesday afternoon between classes, I was walking to my locker, and saw Dan opening his not far away, when a huge boy grabbed Dan by the throat and threw him to the floor so his head hit the locker door as he fell. This was a troublemaker nicknamed Rocknose; I suddenly remembered that kids were saying he had been talking with other troublemakers as if they were planning something. "What on earth?" I asked myself. I froze at first, then I ran to my boyfriend, not thinking about what Rocknose might do to me next. "Dan, are you all right?," I asked, with a worried tone. "Never mind me, look out for yourself," he told me. Rocknose was looking at me as if he had something in mind. I rolled my eyes; I so didn't need a jerk like him.

Just then my brother came running toward us, with his fists ready to smash the big dude's face. But Kim came in between them. "What do you think you're doing!?" she asked, in a hushed tone. She was only scolding Alipang, as if Rocknose hadn't done anything wrong. My brother leaned to look past her, in case Rocknose was going to do something to me while Kim was interfering only with Alipang "What do you think I'm doing? That ape hurt my friend!," he told her. Then he shouted past her at Rocknose, "I'll be glad to meet you after school, if you've got the guts! But if you touch my sister, you won't be ABLE to walk out of this school on your own feet!" Rocknose retreated, and Alipang came to Dan and me, too angry at Kim to say another word to her. I glared at Kim too, and she turned quiet and left.

When that was over I went to lunch with Dan. "Man, who does Kim think she is, the United Nations?!" I asked, making a fist. "Al he was trying to be a good brother like he always does!" I told him, still clenching my fist. " Shhh calm down, Chil, everything'll be all right," he told me, pulling me close to him. " She doesn't know Alipang like you do," Dan told me, rubbing my back. "I know but still she didn't have to do that! Acting like Al was the problem!" But I finally loosened up my fist. " Come love, let's go eat. You get to leave after lunch, but I don't," he told me, taking my hand.

It bothered me that Rocknose wasn't punished at all for attacking Dan, even though lots of kids saw him do it. Our school never punished the people who deserved it.