Christian Film Festival Founder & CEO Slams "Narnia" Films

Son of Adam

Pastor of Narnia
Knight of the Noble Order
As a Pastor and I Christian I get News from a Christian perspective on my emails daily. This was a quote from Doug Phillips, head and founder of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Although he was talking of Hollywood's inability or unwillingness to produce good, moral, Christian films, the only films he names in the article are the Narnia films, one of which he calls "dark" and "occult" even though it hasn't even been filmed yet, VODT. Here is his quote:

"I just received this from Crosswalk, a Christian website, primarily news. I was wondering where or if I should post this article. It is a statement by Doug Phillips head and founder of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival where he slams the Hollywood and the Narnia films. This is his quote:

"Christians who think Hollywood is softening toward their views should not be swayed by corporate attempts to "Christianize" movies, Phillips warned, citing the 2005 release of The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe and upcoming Prince Caspian -- both based on books in the Chronicles of Narnia series written by C.S. Lewis.

"Prince Caspian and The Dawn Treader (the third book/movie in the series) are becoming increasingly darker, more 21st Century teen rebellion and the occult," Phillips said, explaining that the mission and maxim of the SAICFF is that "every frame be captive to being obedient to Christ."

I don't know about some of you, but I could have thought of hundreds of other films to use as examples rather than "Narnia". In another area he advises Christians to stay away from the films.

What do you all think?
Wow! ! ! ! That's a really condemning statement ! ! ! ! ! I would be curious to know what part of the Narnia films Mr. Phillis objects to. I think if he wanted to point out movies that are not morally acceptable to Christians he could have used The Golden Compass or something similar.
I think he should be standing out in the snow with Jedidiah Philips at Christmas with the "SATAN CLAUS HAS STOLEN CHRISTMAS" signs. They would get along well, I think.
In just one respect, the Walden folks have walked into it themselves, because they have allowed it to appear as if the new movie would pander to the teen-rebel mystique, with Prince Caspian changed from the CHILD he was in the book to a 21st-century equivalent of the James Dean image.

Still, I suspect that the detractors would be doing the same detracting even without that change in the story (though I do consider the change a huge blunder). I am reminded of something that happened some 10 or 15 years ago. A Christian fantasy lover tried to market a role-playing game called "Dragonraid," intended to divert Christian kids from "Dungeons and Dragons" to something in the vein of John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress." The game scenarios were absolutely NOT pro-occult. Good-guy characters were not allowed to do anything like spell-casting; they were to rely entirely on physical fighting, plus faith in God and wisdom from God, and the help of friendly animals of natural types like tame bears. But the professional fault-finders opposed the game nonetheless--I suppose, just because it had the WORD "Dragon" in its title, regardless of the fact that it was about fighting AGAINST satanic dragons. Thus the game was driven out of business--lynched, you might say--and the legalistic detractors had achieved the "great victory" of driving kids right back to the secular games which often REALLY DO mock our faith.
Wow! ! ! ! That's a really condemning statement ! ! ! ! ! I would be curious to know what part of the Narnia films Mr. Phillis objects to. I think if he wanted to point out movies that are not morally acceptable to Christians he could have used The Golden Compass or something similar.

I agree, he should be saving his energy fighting against movies like The Golden Compass instead of bashing films that aren't even out yet.
I have stopped going to places like crosswalk simply because they have done some reviews that painted movies that I ended up watching and liking as awful movies that ought not be watched. I cannot remember the exact films right now but I know that they were by no means the morally corrupt abominations that they were painted to be, I don't watch morally wrong movies. Typically, I am not big on even PG 13 movies but sometimes they, Crosswalk in particular, have gone to far in their condemnation.
I am confused as to why he would pick a fight with the Narnia films (even though they have been somewhat secularized) while leaving The Golden Compass (based on a book by an unabashedly anti-church author) alone. If people who see the Narnia films read the books and gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the books and of CS Lewis' work, then perhaps they films aren't outright "evil" as they have been condemned to be.

*On a side note: it seems Walden is looking to get a director who is more familiar with Christian movies. The director for VDT previously directed the recent film 'Amazing Grace'. While I have not seen this movie personally, I have heard some positive things about it. Has an
If you were asking, has anyone else heard good things about the Amazing Grace movie, I have. Interestingly, the Christian hero there is played by Ioan Gruffud, who was in the unfortunately Christian-BASHING King Arthur movie in 2004.
unfortunatly, it looks like just another tactic of the enemy to try and get good christian films out of the theater.

BTW, I'm new! Hi!

Thats what I see in this thread
I agree that this is just a misplaced and hastily stated judgment on a film that the majority of the public is yet to see. And I do have one question: How is it possible to make VDT "dark"? Granted there is the magic that is used to make the dufflepods (forgive me if that's wrong) invisible, and then there is Deathwater Island, and then the island of the Star, but how is that "dark"? Of course movies can be rewritten in that way, but I do not believe that a director such as Michael Apted, along with Douglas Gresham co-producing, will make VDT "dark."
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Very true. Whenever I read the book, I always pictured it as a happy story. True, there is a few scary parts(island of nightmares, sea monster, ect.) but what story doesn't!
Oh it is just some person who is mad at some one, so he takes it out on a movie. He's not going to ruin my preseption of the movie. I am still going to go see it, so I guess I am 'helping out' evil people:p
unfortunatly, it looks like just another tactic of the enemy to try and get good christian films out of the theater.

BTW, I'm new! Hi!

Welcome, Hwin! Nice to see you posting here.

I wonder what makes the fellow think VDT is going to be substantially "darker" than PC? I think he made a mistake to dis Narnia like that. :(
In just one respect, the Walden folks have walked into it themselves, because they have allowed it to appear as if the new movie would pander to the teen-rebel mystique, with Prince Caspian changed from the CHILD he was in the book to a 21st-century equivalent of the James Dean image.

Still, I suspect that the detractors would be doing the same detracting even without that change in the story (though I do consider the change a huge blunder).

I agree with this part of your post. It is my firm belief (and I don't care if anybody else doesn't) that they used an older Caspian than the one from the book purely to add sex appeal. I remember I send the "Intro of Ben Barnes as Caspian" video blog from (way back when) to various of my female friends. The majority of them were like: Woaaa, I wanna go watch this movie!!! So you see, I did my little (if unscientific) research that led me to believe this.

So as Copperfox says, the Walden people set themselves up for this criticism and have shot themselves in the foot by doing this kinds of ridiculous changes to the story. I do hope they really keep to the message of the stories which is that values like courage, honor, compassion, and doing what's right regardless of the cost is what's important.
I love Michael Apted's work on Amazing Grace, the movie was wonderful. I actually have a more favorable opinion of Amazing Grace than I ever will have for Shrek. He stayed true to the history of that era.
Unfortunately, such people who are afraid by his shadow give Christians a bad name. In my opinion they are insecure in their own faith, if they think a Dungeons and Dragons RPG or a Narnia movie so dangerous to their faith.

Thats what I see in this thread

I would love that post explained a bit more if you would be so kind. Were you refering to the people posting in the thread or the guy who wrote the article about the film?

It seems sad that the guy attacks VDT since none of it has been filmed yet. It shows that he has no basis to judge it on since the movie doesn't exist yet. He's just a bitter guy fussing over things he doesn't seem to understand. I feel bad for him.
he's not attacking the films in any way. It looks like he's making a point.
That dude said:
"Prince Caspian and The Dawn Treader (the third book/movie in the series) are becoming increasingly darker, more 21st Century teen rebellion and the occult,"
The trailers look a bit more like a trailer for a medevil action movie then the last movie. I'm not sure how Christian symbolism is gonna fit in this thrilfest and effectively carry out a message. The book was more about the pevensies anyway.
Into the Wardrobe said:
He's just a bitter guy fussing over things he doesn't seem to understand. I feel bad for him.
And your just a person who didn't appear to pay attention to his comment.

Hwin said:
just another tactic of the enemy
Funny how he's Christian himself
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