Color Box Banners


New member
Okay...I can make banners for anyone who wants them...they are not blends..they are more like color boxes...If you want one i just need the pics you want...what color you want the pics to be...and if you want any words...3 pictures works the best but i can do 4 or 5...My examples are below...request away...


Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants:


could you make one with Superman (Brandon Routh)Blue, Batman (Christian Bale) darker color, and Spiderman (Toby Magquire)Red, please?

and have it say what my Hero banner says?

(if you don't want to you don't have to. I might not use it, I might love it and not have space for it.)
redsoxfreak01 said:

I would love to make them but your links don't work..if you could post the pictures..or if you have a photobucket that would work too :D
redsoxfreak01 said:

omg i love Aaron Johnson! And Propser! The Thief Lord rules baby! :)
(and aaron is gorgeous)

Sisteruber can you make me one using pictures of Aaron Johnson, Rollo Weeks, Jasper Harris, Alice Connor, George MacKay. & Lathaniel Dyer from The Thief Lord? And have under Aaron's pic say Prosper; under Rollo's pic say Scipio; under Alice's pic say Hornet; under Jasper's pic say Bo; under George's pic say Riccio; and under Lathaniel's pic say Mosca
?? pretty please??
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QueenSusanofNarnia said:
omg i love Aaron Johnson! And Propser! The Thief Lord rules baby! :)
(and aaron is gorgeous)

Sisteruber can you make me one using pictures of Aaron Johnson, Rollo Weeks, Jasper Harris, Alice Connor, George MacKay. & Lathaniel Dyer from The Thief Lord? And have under Aaron's pic say Prosper; under Rollo's pic say Scipio; under Alice's pic say Hornet; under Jasper's pic say Bo; under George's pic say Riccio; and under Lathaniel's pic say Mosca
?? pretty please??

Yup I can do it...but I'm leaving right now...But it will be done by Wednesday.. :D