comments / 3 reasons

Valeria Potter

New member
well I really want that the really fansof Harry Potter write here 3 reasons why you like it!
beacuse I made a bet that I need probes that in the world are fans of Harry Potter
son I need like 50 comments

please \

well thanks:eek: :p :)
1. I love reading about magical powers

2. Rowling did her homework and used a combination of actual people who have once lived, mythological beasts who look and act the correct way, and a host of other intangible lengendary or real factoids within the stories.

3. The storylines are believable and use aspects of #2 to nicely interweave her plots into great stories. And the stories grow as the main characters grow.

1. Every story has a mystery and plot which has an ending, but then the stories also build upon one another toward some main plot -- so you can read and enjoy one book, but also want to continue reading from book to book.

2. The characters, particularly the students, are believeable and act in a way you can imagine young people in school acting, so nothing seems "fake," even though the events are happening in a completely fantastic world.

3. There is sympathy even for the villainous and banal chracters. Neville is a weakling and bumbler, but also a hero. Snape despises Harry because he despised Harry's father -- then you discover he had good reason to despise Harry's father! Aunt Petunia is a total loss as an aunt, and yet you see that she does have some shred of loyalty to her dead sister and to Harry. It's nice the characters are presented with a human touch.
1. The story itself are fresh.....I need the new fantasy style and HP have it!

2. The characters in HP had complex developing....there's so many grey-characters, like Snape. That's make the plot become more and more interesting

3. The movie's players are sooo gorgeous....that's supported!! :D (I'm a Feltonite... :))
1) Each book has it's own story
2) There's always something foreshadowed in one book, that you wouldn't notice, and then find a connection with it in a later book.
3) The character's are amazing, and the narator grips you in to the story really quickly.
1. Fantasy interests me. a LOT.
2. It's well-done, The stories never lose their touch. (except for that one chapter in the 6th book.)
3. JK really knows how to capture a child's mind and an adult's mind as well. It could be for kids or it could be for adults. You could just read it again and again and you'll never get tired of it!
1.It's so nicely written.Rowling is an amazing author.
2.It can be so freakin' funny but yet so dramatic and sad.
3.It has maaaany characters with different personalitites.

I could write 10000000000 reasons,but...only 3.....:p
1. there are so many characters and they're all so interesting that it's hard to lose interest in the books

2. the stories are all well thought out and fascinating, they keep you interested until the very end

3. it is well written and doesn't really have anything stupid like some other books