cor fan14 said:which name do you like better?
Apple_Of_Life29 said:shasta...cors ok too but i keep on thinking theres another part to it , so im always like cor___, cor__, like im expecting another syllable, lol
TrueNarnian said:yea that is what i think too with cor's should have been like cordan
cor fan14 said:which name do you like better?
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:Joe. yes! Joe is a much better name than either of those. Such a warm, friendly name, doncha think?
Apple_Of_Life29 said:that would be a pretty good alternative....thats why i like corin better than cor too(only the names though)
Lúthien Evenstar said:LOL, yesterday I was drinking a can of soda and it said "Shasta" on it, I think that was the company's name who made the soda...I don't know for certain. I Like the name Cor much better.