Costumes: Mine's PC. Who are you?


New member
HALLOWEEN TIME! WOOHOO! Ok so when you post in this thread i give candy in my posts! But if you toilet paper my house i send you tear gas and drop a piano on you. Have fun and you may say what you're dressing up as. As your host(the candy giver) I am dressed up as a french maid with the garters.
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I still have my award winning Calormene costume (Emeth) so maybe if I was a kid I could go out as that.
I have NO idea who I'm going to be for Halloween this year. There is one store here that sells a PC costume, but sadly it's only for kids. :( *whines*
I have NO idea who I'm going to be for Halloween this year. There is one store here that sells a PC costume, but sadly it's only for kids. :( *whines*

Oh so you're an adult? I'm still eleven. I have a prince caspian costume i'm wearing this year(and i'm a girl!) I got a puffy sleeved white shirt and copied the embroidery designs.(and i did so looking at my tiny ipod screen!) and then i ordered the biggest costume size i could.I seam ripped out the sleeves and hood so i could wear the shirt under it. I borrowed my moms boots and and wore the pants from the costume and i made a horn.I just have to buy some fabric for my cape. I cut my hair earlier in the year so i could straighten it and scare my sister(i look like him..alot..ok a little) But i have a problem i know you can answer. Is his hair brown or black and is it straight or just wavy?
Sorry for this long post

Oh so you're an adult? I'm still eleven. I have a prince caspian costume i'm wearing this year(and i'm a girl!) I got a puffy sleeved white shirt and copied the embroidery designs.(and i did so looking at my tiny ipod screen!) and then i ordered the biggest costume size i could.I seam ripped out the sleeves and hood so i could wear the shirt under it. I borrowed my moms boots and and wore the pants from the costume and i made a horn.I just have to buy some fabric for my cape. I cut my hair earlier in the year so i could straighten it and scare my sister(i look like him..alot..ok a little) But i have a problem i know you can answer. Is his hair brown or black and is it straight or just wavy?
Sorry for this long post


Wow, it sounds like you did a lot of work on your costume! Good job. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Caspian's hair is brown and slightly wavy. I could answer your questions with more confidence if they were about Edmund (who's my favorite) but in this I am fairly certain.
Oh so you're an adult? I'm still eleven. I have a prince caspian costume i'm wearing this year(and i'm a girl!) I got a puffy sleeved white shirt and copied the embroidery designs.(and i did so looking at my tiny ipod screen!) and then i ordered the biggest costume size i could.I seam ripped out the sleeves and hood so i could wear the shirt under it. I borrowed my moms boots and and wore the pants from the costume and i made a horn.I just have to buy some fabric for my cape. I cut my hair earlier in the year so i could straighten it and scare my sister(i look like him..alot..ok a little) But i have a problem i know you can answer. Is his hair brown or black and is it straight or just wavy?
Sorry for this long post

Black, straight, and wavy. :D *sighs*

Can you post a picture of your costume? I would really like to see it. And no, I'm not an adult, yet, I'm 14 years old. I did find one Peter costume though that's for teens, but I don't believe that there's a store in my area that sells that. :(
I bought this beautiful beautiful beautiful emerald green velvet renasaince dress. It's a size and a half too big on me - but it looks better that way! It is meant to come to your knee, and it comes to my feet! I need to safety pin the back of it, but it's cool.

Think Lucy's Farewell Dress, without the 'red dots'(decorations). My dress also has sleeves that have gold trimming at the elbow, and then flow out to a rediculous amount of fabric. I am thinking of putting a white, long sleeve shirt under it, tucking in the sleeves, and putting my hair up like lucy's.

And I bought this for $3.50 at a thrift store! The only thing is, I have nowhere to wear it but for an hour at my church's trunk or treat LOL!
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I bought this beautiful beautiful beautiful emerald green velvet renasaince dress. It's a size and a half too big on me - but it looks better that way! It is meant to come to your knee, and it comes to my feet! I need to safety pin the back of it, but it's cool.

Think Lucy's Farewell Dress, without the 'red dots'(decorations). My dress also has sleeves that have gold trimming at the elbow, and then flow out to a rediculous amount of fabric. I am thinking of putting a white, long sleeve shirt under it, tucking in the sleeves, and putting my hair up like lucy's.

And I bought this for $3.50 at a thrift store! The only thing is, I have nowhere to wear it but for an hour at my church's trunk or treat LOL!
I have a renaissance peasant outfit that I bought at RenFest a few years ago, so I might just wear that again if I don't find anything. :p
I have no idea what I'm going to be this year. My mom told me to look on because they have hundreds of costumes, but I can't really find one I like. I can never come up with anything creative... LOL!

Haha. If Shadow Kitty has been living a 'deprived childhood' :p, I know what he means :p.

I didn't go trunk/trick or treating for the first time until I was like, thirteen. I never ever dressed up until I was fourteen, and haven't since then. This is like, the second halloween I've ever dressed up for , and the fourth one I've 'celebrated' :p. My parents were very strict about anything with halloween being bad until we joined a church that had a trunk or treat lol.
I'm going to a costume shop later in the month :D or attacking my closet with siccors OR just going as a pirate >> I suck.

but im thinking of going as *cough* Keith Harkin *cough* :D
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I think I was probably about seven or eight the first time I went trick-or-treating. My parents weren't really into the whole Halloween thing, but we did go to parties and church events and stuff. I remember when I was really little, the collaborated with another family and me, my sister, and our two friends all dressed up as dalmatian puppies. :D We went bobbing for apples and all sorts of crazy stuff, which, if you really think about it, is more fun than being dragged around the neighborhood (on a cold night) asking for candy.
Haha. If Shadow Kitty has been living a 'deprived childhood' :p, I know what he means :p.

I didn't go trunk/trick or treating for the first time until I was like, thirteen. I never ever dressed up until I was fourteen, and haven't since then. This is like, the second halloween I've ever dressed up for , and the fourth one I've 'celebrated' :p. My parents were very strict about anything with halloween being bad until we joined a church that had a trunk or treat lol.

Trunk or treat? What's that? My church does something every year where all of the confirmation classes go to neighborhoods and collect canned goods for the homeless. The first year I did it it was on Halloween and we were able to dress up for it, but since then it hasn't been on Halloween and we weren't able to dress up for it.