Creation Contest

Olórin the Wise

New member
So, yet another contest. This one is a little different, however.

The rules of this contest are: You can submit any image you like, as long as (a) you made it, and (b) you didn't use any other images to make it. You have to have made every single piece used in its creation. You can use other images for inspiration, guidlines, whatever, but no using other images in your actual entry. I know this is a little different from what this forum's used to, so I'm curious to see what will happen.

Oh, and also, when you submit your entry, post what program you used to make it. For instance, there are some rendering programs out there that can make in a few clicks what would be almost impossible in other programs. This is, essentially, to prevent people being so wowed by the complexity of an image that they don't realize the computer did all the work. :D

Submissions end January 1st!

Oh yeah, and I will be participating. Just to let everybody know.

EDIT: You don't have to freehand the image that you make. You can take advantage of any and all rendering options your software offers, use any combination of multiple programs, etc., as long as the only images you use are things you made yourself. Except for photos, even if you took them yourself. That just seems like it wouldn't really work.


Olorin the Wise
Shadow Kitty
Miss Freckles
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Not precisely. You can use any effects/shapes/whatever that you want - i.e., you can use rendering software to render something like a fractal, or background picture, and mess with that - you just can't use any picture that anybody else made. Oh, and I don't think you can use any photos, either, even if you took them yourself. That just seems like cheating. But you can use any combination of however many different programs you like.
If you want. Or you could just stick with drawing something. Or you could forgo drawing and use rendering. The point is, you can do whatever you want - as long as you made all the elements yourself and don't use photographs. was my shot at it:
