Daniel Paralleled with The Last Battle

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
There's been a discussion about Revelation Paralleled with The Last Battle. Though I think there is some parallels to Daniel as well.

*Please Note: This discussion is not for getting into the end-time or theological disputes.*

Daniel talks about different kingdoms, and each have come and go, if you study world history. Daniel even talks about one who will rise to power and come as a man of peace. In The Last Battle, Calormenes arrive in Narnia, but they had no intention to make war with Narnia at first. Rishda Tarkaan, the commander, insisted that 30 of his soldiers under him disguise as merchants and work by lies and trickery. He came as a man of peace, with no intention to make war.

However you look at it, Daniel talks about how one who will rise to power and will make peace.

Any thoughts? Or do you have any more questions?