David Blaine?


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Did anyone watch David Blaine ( the magician) try to hold his breath for 9 minutes last night (may 8th, 2006)? or has ever seen him do any stunts before?
dude...you can suffer SERIOUS brain damage if you hold your breath that long....

i know that he was buried alive for two weeks and was fed two tablespoons of water a day thru a tube....

i have this book with a whole section devoted to him...
I took a breath-hold diving course with the people who were working with David Blaine last night, a group called PERFORMANCE FREE DIVING.

They are competitive breath-hold divers. The owner Mandy Cruikshank is a womens champion and has held her breath for seven minutes, I forget how deep she dived one one breath, but I believe around 300 feet. One of the instructors, Martin Stepanek, is a men's champion and has held his breath for over 8 minutes and has also dived to 300 feet on one breath.

It is a competitive sport which requires lots of training. In the course I took, by the end of it, I could hold my breath for over three minutes, and my deepest dive on one breath was to 70 feet. And I was the WORST one in the class! The other students were much younger, and some of them work in the water every day. They were diving to over 100 feet on one breath, and staying down 4-6 minutes. It was amazing!
My Dad has this DVD of David Blayne that we cuts off this chicken's head and then it comes back on! :eek: And that he starts levitating and that he lives inside this block of ice....freeeaky :p
Not wanting to ruffle any Blainites feathers,,but I can't stand him!
Maybe it's something to do with being British and not liking show offs..but seriously..I just don't get it. He's obviously in a position where people look up to him, yet he behaves in this idiotic way, whcih doesn't seem like a very good example!
Oh..he really gets my goat!
I think the main reason he irritates me so much was the silly interview he did on British telly once..he sat there and said nothing for about 10minutes..poor old Eamonn Holmes!

I hav one more thing to say...'Shazam' (if anyone remebers Bo Selecta you'll understand!) (and don't get me started on that rubbish either) rant rantrant
David Blaine held his breath for 7 minutes and eight seconds but he didn't black out he was at the edge of becoming unconcious. Even tho he didn't make 9 minutes im still proud of him but he is a little crazy.