Dead Poet's Society

I love love LOVE this movie. It was on a couple nights ago, so I made sure to watch most of it. I first saw it in media club at school and we broke it down in depth. It was really cool.
My Mary and I saw it when it was new. My feelings are divided about it. On one hand, it is true that some creative souls get trampled down by what my sisters and I call "the goobers." But on the other hand, some spoiled, pampered little yuppie kids _pretend_ to be heroically suffering from this kind of persecution when they're not.
My Mary and I saw it when it was new. My feelings are divided about it. On one hand, it is true that some creative souls get trampled down by what my sisters and I call "the goobers." But on the other hand, some spoiled, pampered little yuppie kids _pretend_ to be heroically suffering from this kind of persecution when they're not.

Well, I attend a private school - true, not nearly as strict as their school - but it still there's so much pressure for everyone to do well. I saw a little bit of myself in Neil, actually, in that my father defiantly doesn't listen to what I want to do, and I saw a bit of some of my friends in Neil, too.

I agree, inky - the ending was so sad! I loved how they all stood on the desks (well, most of them, anyway), but I had thought there would be another scene but ... nothing ...

I cried so hard when Neil was found. It was so ... sad ...
When they stood on their desks, led by that one really shy and nervous boy, that was really so moving. But the boy dying, and then the Robin Williams character getting blamed, that was all so very sad. :( Robin Williams really did a lovely job in that film, his emotion at the end when the boys were standing on the desks, and trying to show them that he didn't blame them, seemed really genuine.

I was never a fan of him until I saw it (having never seen Good Will Hunting), and now I realise he isn't just a comedian but an actual, gifted actor.
I felt the same way -- and I never saw Good Will Hunting, either. But yah, in DP, he was superb. And he got to show his comic talents, too.
Not so much poetry as books.... we share books that we love with each other... sort of like a book club only I don't know less "let's all read the same book then talk about it" and more let's share books that mean stuff to us and pass them around.