Desktop Wallpaper Design-Help


New member
I can do some rough graphic design, but I was wondering if there's any type of intructional on how to do wallpaper design, especially blending. I have created a few kindergarten level works such as image below...


But I would like to move on to higher "pursuits" if you take my meaning. Any help, or links to tutorials would be greatly appreciated. :D

Ok, so obviously that request didn't work... how about this: Can anybody help with blending pictures together to get a wallpaper and not just a straight edged picture on another boring background. I use Photoshop and I've been experiementing with it for quite awhile, but I can never get the blend to look professional enough. Any help?
I think it would depend on which photo program you're working with. You're only as creative as your photo program is. I work with Ulead Photo Impact and it's a really great program that makes wallpapers, banners, avatars, and other things with special effects. I don't really know of tutorials to become better because I am pretty much self taught with a lot of trial and error involved.

I think your wallpaper is great, I love sky views of things anyway. Sorry that I didn't respond sooner, though.
Hey thanks! I guess it'll just have to take time and experience to figure it out huh? *sigh* Patience isn't a virtue for nothing. I do feel a little bit more accomplished today though. The "I've Seen the Movie!" banner that's attached to my sig-I made it! Yup. I'm quite proud of myself actually. I don't remember what I did, but it turned out pretty well I think. :D
Photoshop is probably the best image-editing program currently available. I use Photoshop 7.0, but there are better versions like CS and CS2. If you want softer edges, I usually use the magic erase tool to clear out the big chunks around the edges, then I soften the edges of the image by hand with a small 'hard round' brush. It makes the edges look clean and not rigid, but it also takes a hella lot of time. The results are worth it though.

Also with blending large images with simple backgrounds, experiment with the blending options on the layer palette.
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