Distopia Books


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For my A Level courcework next year I am doing about distopian texts. We are being given one book to do 'A Handmaids Tale. But we get to choose the second book that we compair it to. As a class we have been given a list of books like 'A Clockwork Orange', 'Farinhight 451' and 'Animal Farm'. But I would like to do one that is diffrent and not on the list. This is so that I can wow the examiner and do something diffrent.

I would just like an idear on any distopian books that you have read, that you think would be a good idear for this. Thanks ^^
I don't know. Maybe it was the teacher? We had a student teacher teach us, and she didn't really know how. >.< But my brothers friend read it, and he loved it.
A distopian book is when the wrighter takes an issue of the time and makes it into a nightmareish issue.

I don't know about Frankenstine...
Yeah,Frankenstein would be a great choice!:D

I'd also recommend anything by Ray Bradbury.:cool:
Not sure if Jules Verne or H.G Wells count,since they're sci-fi,but they're great,as well.

For modern books,and excellent one along the lines of Frankenstein is Broken Angel by Sigmund Brouwer.:)
It was just sooo long and sooo boring. Only a few of my class finished it. It was really sad maybe 5 out of the 29 people actually read past chapter 5.
Yeah,Dickens is hard to understand.But I love his stories.:D
The only writer who was ever a nightmare for me to read in school was Shakespeare.:eek:

It is? How so?

I guess I've never noticed that the beginning of those kinds of books was similiar...*shrugs*
Ahhh. They all have a kind of detached feeling and use basicaly no verbs. They also only tend to have one line of dialect.
I thought I would really hate reading Dickens, and it's true that I didn't understand Great Expectations very well. But surprisingly, I enjoyed it! :)

What are some classic distopian books?