Dorstier Manor (and RPG)


New member
Me is bored!!! ^^ I need RPGs. :p

Dorstier Manor has fallen into the possession of Charlotte and Nathan Williams, twin offspring of the recently deceased film director Xavier Williams. Unwilling to live in or sell the manor, the twins decided it to open it as a boarding house for travelers seeking a semi-permanent home. What Charlotte and Nathan haven't realized is that while the manor has a strong eerie charm that attracts visitors, it also is beginning to scare its residents. Those who have stayed in the third floor rooms are nearly certain that the manor is haunted. The twins are unsure why the manor isn't losing its residents; perhaps it's because of the strange beauty of the interior, or the charisma of the haunting stories of its history. Or it could just be the comforting yet mysterious grounds, with strange gardens and pathways that lead to extensive graveyards. But whatever the reason is, Dorstier Manor is growing in popularity. No one has the mind to leave.


Charlotte Williams - Sunshine
Nathan Williams - me
Jaden - King of the Hallows
Jenny - tottyfruitty
Alexandria Kensington - FallOutGirl
Sara Eva Williams - Wild Rose
Mara Johnson - oxford girl

Profile template (please use :D)

[B]Bio:[/B] A good three to five sentences will do.
[B]Position:[/B] (resident or staff worker, as in cleaning/front desk/etc.)
[B]Personality:[/B] a list of traits or a short paragraph.
[B]Appearance:[/B] post a pic and/or a description.

My charrie:

Name: Nathan Williams
Age: 21
Bio: Nathan lived in the manor as a child, but moved out when he was thirteen to live with his mother in New York. Mrs. Williams died four years later, so Nathan moved back to the manor. He was never afraid of living there, but he felt uncomfortable being with his father, who wanted desperately for his son to become an actor or director. When his father died, Nathan still didn't like the idea of living in the manor, but didn't want to sell it.
Position: Co-owner
Personality: quiet, serious, charming, mysterious, smart
Handsome, but mysterious. o_O

me command you to join!!!!!!
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Name: Charlotte Williams
Bio: When her brother moved out, she stayed, growing more attatched to the mansion. She had always been attracted to the supernatural and obscure and loved the mansion for the mystery and the excitement. When her brother moved back, she was overjoyed, even more so than her father, who was disappointed in his life choices. She, on the other hand, was an actress, occasionally in one of her father's films. When he died, she gave up acting to take care of the house and spend more time with her brother.
Position: Co-Owner
Personality: sarcastic, dark, witty, curious, and eccentric
Appearance: Always dressed nicely, she takes pride in it.
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Ill join!

Name: Jaden

Age: 15

Bio: Jaden keeps to himself and is very rude. He is kind of a link to the paranomal and can communicate with them. He is what you call Gothic. He has phsycic powers (sorry if i spelled that wrong) and can tell when things are going to happen. He was born with the gift and has been excluded from everyne else his whole life becaue of it.

Position: Works in the resturant (if there is one) ??

Personality: He is rude and keeps to himself. He got the job purely on everyone was scared to say no to him. He sences everything that goes on in the mansion and wanders the corridors at night with a lantern looking for the Ghosts.

Name: Jenny Washington
Age: 20
Bio: Jenny decided to travel the world in search of hidden mysteries and haunted mansions. When she heard about the Dostier Manor from a friend she knew she had to come and see it for herself. She has always been interested in the strange and unexplainable. She has been staying there for nearly a month but hasn't yet seen anything weird or supernatural.
Position: resident
Personality: Caring, adventurous, curious, funny and smart.
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Name: Alexandria Kensington
Age: 21
Bio: Alexandria is a somewhat well known model. She moved into the manor to be with her fiance Nathan (If thats okay), But what Nathan doesn't know is that she's a total gold digger. Alexandria is only with Nathan so when they get married she'll get his money. The old manor somewhat creeps her out a little.
Position: resident
Personality: Superficial, Bossy, Flirtatious, Rude
Appearance: Conrad/a7aadad6.jpg
Name: Sara Eva Williams
Age: 21
Bio: Since Sara was 6 she was interested in learning about weapons. At 18 after finishing school with her family torn apart Sara decided to travel. After traveling for three years she heard about Dorstier Manor in a near by town. Having tired of traveling for the time being she went there. She's been there for a while now and even though the place makes her a bit nervous she isn't ready to leave.
Position: Resident
Personality: Sara's got a short temper sometimes when she hasn't had a fair amount of sleep. She's kind a good amount of the time, but can be sarcastic. She's smart when she wants to be, which isn't often. Sara's curouis but parinod, and likes supernatural things.
Please note that she normaly wears a purple t-shirt with jeans, and black boots.
I added you all. :D It's great to see such a variety of characters. King Of The Hallows, I think it would be cool to have a restaurant; maybe it could be a small, cafe like area off the front entrance. FallOutGirl, I'm okay with Alexandria and Nathan being together in the beginning, but could they... like... break up later on? XD I was just kind of hoping that he could be with someone that's more his type.

We can start soon... I'll work on writing the intro...
SWEET. I am so excited!!

I'm probably not going to be on for a few hours tonight, but if you do start, that's fine, I'll just catch up.
Oooh I'm excited for this rp. When do we start?

Well, I'm going out for a couple hours tonight, but I'll be back later. In the meantime, you guys can start writing intros for your charries... just don't go too far without me. :)

I'm glad everyone's excited! ^^ I am too.
Here's mine

Name: Mara Johnson
Age: 20
Bio: Mara was born in an old mansion and has always felt at home in them. After her parents died in a plane crash two months ago she started traveling the world, visiting old mansions. She loved Dorstier Manor as soon as she saw it in a travel magazine and flew from England to see it. She has been there two weeks and has never felt more at home.
Position: resident
Personality: very shy, almost never talks, very curious, always wants to learn new things, smart, caring, adventurous, polite, kind
Appearance: She is very beautiful, but her hair is usually covering her face so you would never know how beautiful she is.
Well, I'm going out for a couple hours tonight, but I'll be back later. In the meantime, you guys can start writing intros for your charries... just don't go too far without me. :)

I'm glad everyone's excited! ^^ I am too.


Jenny sat on the chair in her room.
Day 30, 11:00 am she noted down in her notebook. Still no sign of any unusual behaviour she added tapping her pen on the pad. 'Am I just wasting my time?' she asked herself. She thought about what her father would say "Just be patient Jenny....." she mumbled to herself. She got up, placed her notepad and pen on the table and walked out of her room. Maybe if the ghosts weren't going to come to her she should go and find them. Jenny walked down the long hall to the restaurant. She was hungry and couldn't work on an empty stomach.
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ooc|| Is this a romance roleplay?

ooc. I dont think so

ic. Mara looked out her window, the sun was bright and inviting. She pulled on a hoodie and walked out of her room and out of the steps and sat on the front steps. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind. She felt at home for the first time in a long time.
Here's mine

Name: Mara Johnson
Age: 20
Bio: Mara was born in an old mansion and has always felt at home in them. After her parents died in a plane crash two months ago she started traveling the world, visiting old mansions. She loved Dorstier Manor as soon as she saw it in a travel magazine and flew from England to see it. She has been there two weeks and has never felt more at home.
Position: resident
Personality: very shy, almost never talks, very curious, always wants to learn new things, smart, caring, adventurous, polite, kind
Appearance: She is very beautiful, but her hair is usually covering her face so you would never know how beautiful she is.
Awesome, added you :)
...We need more guys.....
Yes. o_O definitely.
ooc|| Is this a romance roleplay?

Umm... it could turn out to be :p honestly, there's no genre at the moment.