Douglas Gresham

lady liln

New member
i don't have the slightest clue where to put this, but i'm posting it under c. s. lewis, b/c after all, he is his stepson and would therefore have been greatly influenced by lewis. so...has anyone read his books? i read lenten lands: my childhood with joy davidman and c. s. lewis for a research project i had this past spring. it's mostly autobiographical, but it gives a good perspective on lewis as well. i really really wanted to read jack's life: the life story of c. s. lewis also, but my school's library didn't have it and i didn't have time to order it.

gresham is a really cool person by his own right though, even aside from being the stepson of c. s. lewis. he and his wife run rathvinden ministries, which is sort of a a counseling center where they work with victims of child abuse and women who have lost children through abortion, stillbirth, etc.

i lovelovelove this:

"The only rule of the place," he says, speaking of Rathvinden Ministries, "is that as you come in through the front door, your denomination stays on the doormat along with the rest of the rubbish and your Christianity comes in with you."

Says Douglas, "I preach what Jesus taught. I think that if you stick with the gospels of Jesus Christ you can't really go wrong. The mistake that many churches, if not most of the churches, I think in the world today make is to try and sugar coat the gospels, or dress them up, or add bits to them, or attach rituals and ceremonials to them and so forth. I think you will see the results of that in the fact that most of the churches are empty.

He ads, "We must get away from the trivialities and extra bits and pieces and get back to what Jesus taught and what Jesus wanted us to do and wanted us to believe. If we do that, we'll have a much better world." - douglas gresham
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I haven't read any of Gresham's books, but I guess I will add them to my list to check out at the library. Thanks for the info.
I didn't even know he wrote books! I'll have to look out for them somewhere. I love C S Lewis, so if he has been influenced by C S then they must be good.
Mr. Gresham is a living illustration of the fact that different people see things differently. Once I wrote a sort of Narnia parody whose intent was absolutely pro-Christian; but when Mr. Gresham saw it, he was nothing but annoyed by it, considering it disrespectful by the very fact of being a parody at all. On the other hand, *I* considered the big-screen film version of "Shadowlands" to be disrespectful to C.S. Lewis for NOT showing him getting his faith back in the end; but Mr. Gresham insisted there was nothing wrong with it. The one was "unclean meat" for him, the other for me.
NightMystic said:
I haven't read any of Gresham's books, but I guess I will add them to my list to check out at the library. Thanks for the info.

Stupid me, I didn't even realize Douglas Gresham had written any books. I guess I'll look for them at the His Word Christian Bookstore near my house or at Barnes & Noble's Christian book section. I saw his picture in the Narnia Companion book and the Guide to the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe...he is such an adorable man!!! He just looks so sweet and intelligent...I wouldn't mind dating him :) if he wasn't already married LOL.
Copperfox said:
Mr. Gresham is a living illustration of the fact that different people see things differently. Once I wrote a sort of Narnia parody whose intent was absolutely pro-Christian; but when Mr. Gresham saw it, he was nothing but annoyed by it, considering it disrespectful by the very fact of being a parody at all. On the other hand, *I* considered the big-screen film version of "Shadowlands" to be disrespectful to C.S. Lewis for NOT showing him getting his faith back in the end; but Mr. Gresham insisted there was nothing wrong with it. The one was "unclean meat" for him, the other for me.

I like the film Shadowlands, but I was annoyed by the fact that J R R Tolkien never made an appearance considering they were best friends, that really got on my nerves somehow. It depends on certain perspectives. Where is this parody of yours?