Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Fan Club

Of course they made a big mistake, but it was CBS' stupid mistake. But I think it's a little too late to have another movie, unlike a lot of fans...especially since they couldn't get the dates of the movies right to begin with!
CBS... grrr. >[
You're right though, about the movie, especially since the actors/actresses are a lot older now... well, sorta. Jane Seymour is still gorgeous, and Joe Lando looks fine. I'm glad that they DID agree to make the two movies though.

And ewwww. Can you believe that Chad Allen (Matthew Cooper - I'm sure you knew that :)) is gay?? Nastiness. *shudders*
CBS... grrr. >[
You're right though, about the movie, especially since the actors/actresses are a lot older now... well, sorta. Jane Seymour is still gorgeous, and Joe Lando looks fine. I'm glad that they DID agree to make the two movies though.

And ewwww. Can you believe that Chad Allen (Matthew Cooper - I'm sure you knew that :)) is gay?? Nastiness. *shudders*

Ugh, yes. I found that out when End of the Spear released in theaters. I wanted to see that movie, but then changed my mind after hearing that. (That is one reason why I refuse to ever watch "The Body Electric" ever again.)

spareoom, I really prefer the older episodes too. Dr. Quinn herself wasn't near as annoying as she was in season 3 1/2-6. Though, I do like it when she and Sully get married. ;)