
Hmm....I think I did once but when I woke up I couldnt think what it was.I hate when that happens!...Oh Hi SA!!!
this is so entirely wierd, cuz 3 of my friend were having this exact same discussion about dreams yesterday.

My favorite dream was...something that had to do with saving the world and elves.

My most diorienting dream was when i was firstin a starship and then out of the starship spiraling in to infinity. i woke up to find myself on the ground with a very large bruise.

my worst dream was when..uh oh...well i just better not go there.
I had one last night concerning Calvin and Hobbes, where Calvin got a baby sister and he was pretending she was an alien when she was crying. It was weird. :D
actually I had a lot of dreams about Narnia after I had first seen the movie and even some now..though I can hardly remember any of them anymore their are some that were really clear and I still can remember..like the time I had a dream about Aslan I woke up and felt like crying becuase it was just a dream...I hate it when that happens I've had so many dreams that I never wanted to end some I even new that I was dreaming and I struggled to stay alseep...lol :p
Tell ya what, Aslansfriend, you need to keep a dream diary. It's just a notebook that you jot down your dreams in, but the trick is to do it as soon as you wake up. I've been doing that for about a year and some of my dreams when I look back in it are quite strange (I had one about Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli sitting in a jeep and getting chased away by natives :confused: ). Anyhoo, it's good for exercising your memory too.
I had a dream once where I was on the Prince Caspian set outside somewhere, and I met Georgie Henley, and we wandered around through these fields, and we met up w/ Will, but he was completely ignoring me and no one knew why.

I had another dream a few nights ago in which my friends and I went to watch Eragon, the movie, except I ended up being in the movie and was watching it at the same time :confused: It was totally messed up, Brom was evil and he was killed by Eragon accidentally b/c he fell down this shaft-thing. Then I was walking around w/ some random people that don't exist and Ed Speleers (who was still in costume), and for some reason I was mad at him so I started walking in front of him and refused to talk to him. Then, we were getting ready for the Battle of Farthen Dur, and the Varden was completely outnumbered by the Empire's army (there were no Urgals there?). And, oh yeah, the Ra'zac apparently did not exist. There was a whole lot more to it, including me whining and something about the Wife of Bath...
Alambil and Tarvis said:
I had a dream once where I was on the Prince Caspian set outside somewhere, and I met Georgie Henley, and we wandered around through these fields, and we met up w/ Will, but he was completely ignoring me and no one knew why.

I had another dream a few nights ago in which my friends and I went to watch Eragon, the movie, except I ended up being in the movie and was watching it at the same time :confused: It was totally messed up, Brom was evil and he was killed by Eragon accidentally b/c he fell down this shaft-thing. Then I was walking around w/ some random people that don't exist and Ed Speleers (who was still in costume), and for some reason I was mad at him so I started walking in front of him and refused to talk to him. Then, we were getting ready for the Battle of Farthen Dur, and the Varden was completely outnumbered by the Empire's army (there were no Urgals there?). And, oh yeah, the Ra'zac apparently did not exist. There was a whole lot more to it, including me whining and something about the Wife of Bath...


I had a dream once that I was at a party and Farrimir was doing air drops of food....:p