
Hermit of Archenland

Active member
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and this is the first thread I've posted.

I'm wondering what people think of the Earthsea novels of Ursula LeGuin. For me the original Trilogy (A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan and The Farthest Shore) was one of the greatest fantasy series of all time. Sadly LeGuin had to spoil it by writing a further 2 novels years later, though the 5th was not nearly as bad as the 4th.

The Sci Fi Channel Movie (Legends of Earthsea) was utterly dreadfull though
The Earthsea Trilogy is really a great book series. It was also made into a movie for the scifi channel I believe and it was pretty good, but awfully abreviated. I have the DVD of it and enjoy it.
I like Earthsea a lot, though I've only read the first three. I was warned off the fourth, and didn't know there was a fifth. LeGuin has a good style and a rich imagination.